I have never in my life had to do anything harder than going to Clay's wake yesterday. Listening to the last track on Clay's cd on the way there with LT and Drew, I lost it and cried all the way to his house, the whole time I was in the line...and then I saw Cole for the first time in a long time. It's probably been almost a year since I have seen him, easily. When I got a little closer, he came at me crying with his arms up...I have never in my life felt my heart shatter like that before - watching his face as he looked me in the eyes and just cried, glancing back at Clay and biting his lower lip trying his 12-year-old best to keep it together. He was always my little buddy back in the day, when we used to hang out at Priebe's more frequently...and it meant the world to me that he still remembers that.
Everybody's relationship with Clay was something very different and very special. I met Clay in the fifth grade when I went to Hose and all I could think was, "Man, that is the mouthiest, smallest kid I've ever met." We started being buddies in the sixth grade and remained and became better friends ever since then. He was also my little drumming buddy. We would pieces of our kits over to each others homes all the time and would play drums for hours.
Throughout high school, seeing him outside of school (when he came) became incredibly unpredictable. You could see him anywhere from two days to a month straight, then he'd disappear for a few days. Haha, the motherfucker was told during senior year that he was not allowed to miss anymore school because by second semester of senior year, he had missed over 180 days. Out of three and a half years of high school, there was one full year in total that he did not attend.
Haha every class that we had together was a total ruckuss...it was awesome. Mrs. Shelton's fucking Algebra class, anyone? I know you remember
rhomes. Him and I would sit in the corner in Mrs Muellhausen's room and do everything that we could to cause enough problems for one of us to get kicked out of class. Every day, one of the two, if not the both of us would get the boot from Muelly. Coming in all strung out on Xanax and pulling stupid shit at school, man the two of us had a lot of fun together.
We had so much fun it was ridiculous. Playing football downstairs, breaking the banister, stealing the keys and getting into the basement of the funeral home, watching ridiculous shit on tv eating cereal in the mornings, playing ping pong, wrestling Cole on the trampoline, getting in trouble in Mr. O'Connel's YAMAHA class for listening to White Zombie and causing problems with everyone else in the room, playing basketball with him both in and out of school. Nigga was my starting pointgard...
It's been a hell of a trip and quite a blast for the last eight years - I wouldn;t trade it for the world.
I wish this didn't hurt so badly...
I love you, buddy. Goodbye, for now, my friend. You were a great friend to me and I will never forget that.
In the clearing stands a boxer,
And a fighter by his trade
And he carries the reminders
Of ev'ry glove that laid him down
Or cut him till he cried out
In his anger and his shame,
"I am leaving, I am leaving."
But the fighter still remains