Fresh perspectives on an incresing study.
Jons Own Alice: Would it be too much to ask to be removed from the world of men?
oslcks314: shouldn't be too hard. why?
Jons Own Alice: That's not want Jon tells me.
Jons Own Alice: He says there isn't a way to avoid society.
Jons Own Alice: I think he's full of shit.
Jons Own Alice: I think he's scared.
oslcks314: of you disappearing?
Jons Own Alice: I want him to come with me.
Jons Own Alice: He won't. He agrees with me that human society is a complete sea of shit, he is with me in hoping that the world will end. But when I ask him if he would leave with me, he won't/
Jons Own Alice: There is some sort of barricade to this part of his soul. Even I can't get through.
oslcks314: hm...
Jons Own Alice: I am at a loss. Bobby's fourth dimesional lizard beings can still torture you - even if you only have one impregnable spot.
oslcks314: could be he just can't stand the thought of being separated from all of his friends and family?
Jons Own Alice: Maybe. I don't know what he's scared of.
oslcks314: m
oslcks314: and as a reaction to four lines ago, huh?
Jons Own Alice: Bobby thinks that this dimension (the third) is a dimension consisting mostly of pain. He believes that there are creatures (lizard beings) in the fourth dimension that have devised ways of trapping us here to feed off our misery.
Jons Own Alice: This is one of the conclusions he came to when walking to Kansas and back.
oslcks314: ah
oslcks314: ok then
Jons Own Alice: You should come with me, too.
Jons Own Alice: Or maybe I should go alone.
Jons Own Alice: Maybe some higher power is trying to impress a point upon me.
Jons Own Alice: Wow, I really don't want to believe that. Which may mean that it's true.
oslcks314: that logic, btw. I'd go, definitely, but I'd rather push it until the last minute so as to soak up as much knowledge as I can
Jons Own Alice: And this computer science education of yours will do wonders for you when the time comes, I'm sure. *is smug*
oslcks314: lol
Jons Own Alice: That be a cop-out, sirrah.
oslcks314: no, not really. the comsci stuff I don't need an education for. it's random bits of knowledge, the stuff you pick up without meaning to, that are more useful
Jons Own Alice: Procrastination.
Jons Own Alice: I've become harsh.
Jons Own Alice: Wow.
oslcks314: heh, indeed
Jons Own Alice: I don't know how to live anymore.
Jons Own Alice: I am so clear, and so confused, I don't know if I'm happy or miserable.
oslcks314: why?
oslcks314: what's causing it?
Jons Own Alice: No idea. Maybe just the spirtual enlightenment thanks to meditation.
Jons Own Alice: I feel wiser than ever before, and I'm waxing more so all the time.
Jons Own Alice: We're a waste, people like us, it's disgusting.
Jons Own Alice: We sit here, fully aware of the endless sea of shit before us, and we do nothing but speak of how horrible it is.
Jons Own Alice: I, like the rest of this race, am worthless.
Jons Own Alice: (see I'm harsh on myself as well)
oslcks314: perhaps it's because the best we can do is clear away the dung around ourselves and around those we can touch, but are aware of our powerlessness over the rest
oslcks314: (duly noted :p)
Jons Own Alice: And why are we powerless? Why "must" anything be so?
oslcks314: if you want me to be really really specific, we are only powerless to the best of our knowledge from inference and deference, and our observations
oslcks314: so even if we are not truly powerless, we can't see how to use it
oslcks314: or what to do with it
oslcks314: although...nahhhh, we know exactly what to do with it, I think
Jons Own Alice: That being?
Jons Own Alice: (I am aware this is probably an abstraction, not a concrete action of sorts).
oslcks314: (very true) a giant pooper-scooper :-)
oslcks314: (smilie required)
Jons Own Alice: Pooper-scooper for what, may I ask?
oslcks314: that depends on how you define "sea of shit"
Jons Own Alice: Now I see the reference.
oslcks314: heh, mm
Jons Own Alice: I need to go to bed.
Jons Own Alice: I'm going to have a philosphy breakdown if I don't; come to some radical new conclusion and try to fly off the roof of the dorm.
Jons Own Alice: Maybe that's exactly what needs doing.
oslcks314: eh, that might not end so well. sleep would almost definitely be better, or philosophizing in a box on the ground. that and it's pretty late
Jons Own Alice: it's early. it's about time for me to go howl at the moon and swim in the lake.
Jons Own Alice: Flying would be a good way to end the night, however it might turn out.