keep on dancin' till the world ends

Feb 15, 2012 22:28

So I know I said I was going to write about going back to Pomona, BUT I LIED. I am actually too tired and busy to think about it much :/ And by busy I mean keeping myself busy so I don't think about anything too deep or important.

I have been kicking around the idea of starting a(nother) separate blog, this one neatly designated as 18+ where I can blog about useful sex-related information. I already know it's a bad idea because I suck at blogging (i.e. I am too busy for my own good and probably couldn't handle consistently writing reviews or scouring the Internet for relevant tidbits), but I am still kicking it around because it seems like fun.

Plus then I wouldn't have to have a separate filter and cuts and stuff.


Anyway, one more thing to write up and then I'm going home to watch a bit more of Schindler's List. I'd hoped to be farther along in it by now, but I got distracted at home and now I'm getting distracted on the Internet.

internets, real life, sex is now a tag

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