"Yeah I wasn't really sure where else they got all those crocodiles from."

Feb 06, 2012 12:34

Took me two nights but I managed to finish The African Queen late last night. I have to say that I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. It's a lively adventure romance with gorgeous scenery because it was actually filmed in Africa. I liked that there was enough excitement to keep me interested, but not so much that I was anxious the whole time - I could just enjoy the little things and the scenery.

I liked how natural the chemistry between Humphrey Bogart and Katharine Hepburn unfolded; even with the contrived nature of the story, the way they interacted felt genuine, if not a little silly and fun. They were good friends, so it makes sense that they had a very unique and captivating chemistry. Watching their characters make the best of really an awful situation and triumphing together was a kind of cliche heartwarming, but heartwarming nonetheless.

I think the movie still stands as a testament to the innovative spirit of film, as about half of it was filmed in Africa in the 1950s despite equipment and illness, which is part of why it is considered so unique and important. And, really, watching their shots of lions, gazelles, and hippos is really a treat.

afi's top 100, 101 in 1001, movies

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