to get the traction i'm ridin' the clutch

Jan 13, 2012 08:17

So after the most stressful two weeks of my life* I made it to South Carolina last night just before midnight. I spent like two and a half hours in Dallas first. My hotel shuttle only picks up until 11, so I had to get a cab. Joy!

Despite all the warnings I didn't manage to pass out until almost 3 in the morning - my TV remote didn't work, so I couldn't change the stations easily to find something quiet to fall asleep to. I ended up having to turn on HIMYM on my iPod.

There are lots of trees here.

I also get NHK TV here. Wut.

Apparently instead of exploring Greenville I'm going to hole up in my awesome hotel room (I have a fold-out couch) and work on my presentation and then go to the gym or swimming :D

On a totally different note, I got DW accounts and will probably start using them soon... maybe this weekend. My extra icons just ran out so I'm a little hesitant to renew it until there's some kind of news on all the "changes" LJ is saying are going to happen.

UM. I just saw a commercial for some show called "Dance Moms." What.

*Obviously an exaggeration.

my work!, travel, technology, television

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