where my rosemary goes

Oct 22, 2011 14:41

Still pissed, but not nearly as much as I was. I resent knowing how to control my life but not having the means.

Job applications make me angry inside. Life kind of makes me angry inside. I don't understand why it all has to be so grossly unfair. I love my jobs - really like them, even as much as I complain about them I love them because I feel like I'm doing something good. And I know it's not perfect and not fair, but the world isn't perfect or fair. So if I can just help out a few kids who are good kids and who try hard get into college, I'm happy. I love doing it and as much as they annoy me sometimes or the stress of it all builds up I don't want to just up and leave it behind.

But it's not paying my bills, and won't if it keeps up like this.

Plus I'm starting to hate being here. So if I could just move my jobs to someplace new and magically make them pay me more, life would be awesome.

Sorry I haven't been around more. Life off the Internet is busy and full of interesting people and important things to do. And money to make. Most of the time, I don't even miss RP-ing.


writing, work, nanowrimo, real life, money

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