
Sep 04, 2011 22:17

Apparently when there's a ton of things to do I sit around and do memes instead. Possibly because there's nothing else interesting to say but I'm desperate to be interesting.

We're watching Star Wars on TV and my brother keeps asking, "Is he going to die?!"

I went through all my old, unanswered memes and stumbled across the ones that you guys asked me to do while I was in Japan because I sucked at posting. This is from hooves!

1.) What is your favorite thing about Japan?

The television. Japanese television is the best thing ever. It's endlessly entertaining, and there's always something to watch. Oddly enough, the televisions in hotels weren't nearly as nice as the ones people had in their homes, which I kind of think is the opposite of here in America. At least, I always have a nicer TV in a hotel room than I do at home or in my apartment.

2.) Favorite vegetable, and how do you like it cooked?

lmao my brother and I just looked up the true definition of a vegetable and now I'm not sure I like any of them. I do like onions though... Oh! And red potatoes! I like them cut up in chunks, drizzled with a butter-herb sauce, and then baked until the outside is just a little crispy.

3.) Do you have any names picked out for future children?

Arista, Aria, Matthew. I actually don't really know, I've never been good at naming things. Pets, stuffed animals, my car... they always end up with super lame names because I can never think of anything good.

4.) How did you get such epic handwriting?

Practice. Both my parents (and my brother) have very neat handwriting. My 4th and 5th grade teacher had really nice handwriting herself, and she made all of us write neatly, so I've just been doing it from a very young age. Plus I love being praised for stuff, so I make sure to try to keep up the things that earn me praise :P

5.) Do you have a favorite sport to play or watch?

I used to really enjoy being active and just kind of running around uselessly, but then I found out that when you have to play with other kids it's not very much fun if you're not very good. I used to play basketball and enjoyed it somewhat; I also used to do ju-jitsu and enjoyed that too. I miss dancing ): I like to watch college basketball and professional baseball.

I promised nerdish I would post more of my jewelry, so here you go!

First Gift Necklace

march madness, ucla, meme, japan, i obviously don't know what's going on, i'm actually really boring, basketball, baseball, television

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