hope it gives you hell

Apr 30, 2011 15:25

First, because sometimes I like to be informative and otherwise nothing I say is important, Takei to WB: Do the Right Thing.

Thursday was the most chill day ever in a long time. I woke up early-ish, lounged around, had breakfast and read. Then I ran some errands and made snowflakie06's Christmas present (it went out in the mail yesterday, keep an eye out for it, yeah?). I read more in the afternoon, started working on another job application, and made dinner. I then literally did nothing all evening but watch TV and poke at the cover letter.

It was awesome. I am very pleased.

I'm less pleased by how unproductive I was yesterday, starting with not waking up until almost noon and then having errands to do. I managed to sneak in an hour of reading, but I definitely didn't work on my history paper at all.

In the evening I convinced/Bri convinced me to go shopping, so we went to Crabtree where I got both a bra and something shiny. I think I made Bri feel awkward :/ Then we stopped in Forever 21 and got jewelry. WHY AM I ON SUCH A JEWELRY KICK RIGHT NOW ARGH. Last there was dinner at Panera.

Ended the evening at karaoke with the Japanese Hall kids, though I didn't sing. They were mostly singing songs I didn't know ): The only one I sang was 空色デイズ, and I shared a microphone with Bri so no one could hear me >.< I am sadly tone-deaf for someone who played an instrument/did music for almost 10 years.

I just got back from work and desperately need something to eat before I can even think about doing anything else, including going to the Japanese party tonight. And I'm supposed to do one last self-evaluation before I get there...

In other news, I'm going through my icons, adding some and swapping some out, and changing my layout. It is a very slow and tedious process.

politics, books, homework can go diaf, music, friends, grad school, these people are my heroes, internets, shopping, movies, school, real life, icons, television

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