
Mar 07, 2011 09:38

So first, as we all know, LJ needs to start delivering our damn notifs. Unless it's Yahoo that's withholding my notifs, in which case, Yahoo needs to start delivering my damn notifs. ggmoonycrisco and I threaded last night and I got 0 of those notifs, which means that my inbox will double in size when they do arrive. If ever.

In other annoying news, a Virginia student is denied access to the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network on a school computer.

Some schools have improperly configured their web-filtering software to illegally censor LGBT-related websites such as the GSA Network and the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network. At the same time that they block access to websites for positive LGBT rights organizations, those schools still allow access to anti-LGBT sites that condemn LGBT people or urge us to try to change our sexual orientation. This is called viewpoint discrimination, and it’s illegal.

politics, actually really important, internets, education, real life

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