(no subject)

Nov 21, 2010 22:26

The part that I'm always worst at is coming up with RP journal names.

bustydefense - I'm positive that wasn't me. I'm pretty sure it was kiyuu.
playswithwater - Me. But that one was easy, come on.
threelimiters - Also me. But also a kind of random and literal one.
notnicesiblings - Because the Nena was nicewedding.
turneverystone - Me, because I was actually out of ideas and needed something that was somehow kind of related to Mia.
flowwithdestiny - Me, but not as good as the first one.
ridingabicycle - The title of Yukito's character song.

Some of my inactive ones are great, like magicforyuki and bunniesfortoya and spiritofdefense, but they came in BURSTS OF INSPIRATION and now that I'm staring at trying to make 4 or 5 I'm running low on ideas.

I'm torn between matching the Godot beenwaitinglong or the Maya acemedium (I have matching ones for both). I joked that I would try to match the Phoenix lawyerific, but an appropriately awesome name has not yet surfaced.

I also absolutely CANNOT come up with anything good for Dino or Gamma. I'm also in need of Ryohei icons for activityboxing. IF ANYONE WANTS TO HELP ME, THAT WOULD BE AWESOME OF AWESOME.

relevant to my interests, rp, internets, fandom

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