that's just like absurdly early

Nov 15, 2010 07:27

HEY SO. I went to sleep at around 9:30-9:45 last night because I was just that tired after training. Granted, I'd cut my sleep short both nights of training in order to accommodate my prep and everything. I didn't wake up until a few minutes ago, and I didn't even look at my Japanese. FML. I have a couple hours now, but I want to shower/eat and everything... I might just read the passage, answer the questions, and take a glance at the 漢字 before I go in to just fail the quiz anyway.

I hate this class so much. The thing is, I really like it, I just hate the homework, even though the homework is essential to me actually learning anything. It is a very strange relationship. I also haven't done any of my outside Japanese reading since my last capstone meeting ):

Ugh. Homework first.

homework can go diaf, grad school, work, japanese, mornings suck, school

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