damn, an SAT date just passed

Oct 24, 2010 09:58

Friday after class I had lunch with my classmates because... I have no friends and am sad. (Actually, Thursday I'd driven Yao to the airport because of the Japanese career fair in Boston this weekend.)

Jen and Gameli's friend got married this weekend in Richmond, and since train tickets are so insanely expensive I told them I'd at least drive them up. I'd planned on driving them back too, but they wanted to stay until Monday and I have class Monday morning. For which I need to remember to read some Japanese news.

I inadvertently caused a small fiasco... since Jen had work I offered to leave after work, so we didn't make it up to Richmond until around 7. Jen's friends showed up at the hotel room, introductions were passed around, etc. I'd asked if I should get dinner on my own, but Jen said she didn't really know what was happening with dinner and additionally there was still a car on its way from Illinois that they were waiting for.

When I offered to not go, Jen and her friends acted like it was no big deal if I came along - I offered multiple times to stay behind, and even asked if they would all fit in one car (they wouldn't). So I gathered my purse and my coat and went out, and followed the van to the restaurant.

At which point the bride decided to tell Jen she didn't want me to come.

I didn't really mind, since I mean, she was getting married at all, but the whole thing really stressed Jen out and upset her. The only thing that irritated me was that no one had the guts to just say something to me, especially since I offered. I think it was pretty cowardly to get me to drive extra people to the restaurant and then tell me I couldn't have dinner with them. So instead we put Jen in an awkward place? I think that was completely unfair.

In the end it was fine; I was tired, I didn't know any of these people and I had a lot of work to do that I didn't end up doing anyway. I took dinner out and ate in the hotel room while watching The Hangover and the Lakers game. I tried to do some reading, but I was just too tired. I finished off Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters, and should probably go out and get the next one, but meh. I have a lot to do today, without errands.

Since Jen and Gameli were out late I couldn't actually get up when I did, so I ended up sleeping until 12:30 with them. Then it took a while to get ready since they both needed to shower (and I watched some NCIS) and then we waited for Jen's parents and a couple of her friends to go to lunch. I like Jen's parents :D And the two friends that came with us, even though I didn't talk to them as much.

I made it home just fine, I think it helped that I left while it was still light and I drove in the dark for less than an hour.

More on the whole PhD situation later. Right now I need to eat, do my hour of reading in Japanese, do the reading in... English, maybe write a little bit, and eventually do all my Japanese homework. Thank goodness there's no 小作文 for this episode of At Home Dad. The PhD thing stresses me out and is why I spent an hour this morning looking at jobs at Square Enix - in English and Japanese.

I should listen to the Beach Boys.

moar grad school, fml, homework can go diaf, japanese, travel, friends, well that's annoying, real life, television

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