Cinderella's shoes didn't turn back from glass because they were made of glass to begin with

Oct 19, 2010 16:59

First, I can't possibly do all of your tricks from the Halloween meme because they're either time-consuming or they're impossible to remember. So I'll do them one at a time, as I complete them; although since one of them will never be complete, I'll likely drop off that one even though it's the easiest one.

I replaced my copy of the second season of The Big Bang Theory and will open it and check it tonight. One of the episodes that didn't work was the Christmas gift one and that was HORRIBLY DISAPPOINTING.

The new fish that I bought Saturday died yesterday. I guess that's my sign not to get any more.

Also on Saturday I bought the second volume of Hatter M (coupons + 12 years worth of gift cards), saw Toy Story 3, and played Cranium at Bonnie's with her friends. Which, in some cases, "would work better if you got down on your knees."

And why do I know the words to Bust a Move.

Yesterday I had lunch with Grant-san at the law school and then Yao and I went to Li Ang's talk. Those small deviations from my schedule were kind of the highlight of my day. This is only mildly depressing.

Life isn't very exciting right now and, more than anything, I feel like I'm stuck in a rut and that's... not good. I don't need to have a very exciting life, I just need to feel like it's active and interesting.

I'm trying to rewatch Gundam 00, Sousei no Aquarion, Kyou Kara Maou, and Seirei no Moribito all at the same time. It means I've not gotten very far in any of them.

books, meme, friends, grad school, internets, anime, movies, school, real life, television

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