curiouser and curiouser

Oct 16, 2010 12:32

Thanks to the overflowing washing machine, I didn't finish the 小作文 so I had to do that during lunch instead of eating Indian food at the Japanese table ;u;

Somehow Yao and Jen and I talked ourselves/got talked into going to see Red last night, which turned out to be ~*awesome*~. Damn I love action movies. Yao and Jen like Bruce Willis but I was more *o* Helen Mirren~~~

Shut up it was really entertaining okay. Plot not so much, but that was a good two hours.

Tonight they're showing Toy Story 3 and I want to go, but I'll feel guilty since Bonnie's potluck (which she told me about yesterday) is tonight at the same time :/ I'm already missing the rest of the Toy Story marathon, though, since today is supposed to be thesis work day. I might call and see how late they'll be at her house; maybe I can stop by with some dessert to say hi.

I wrote an entire single-spaced page in less than an hour this morning! I'm not sure what I'm saying yet! I'm going to let someone else figure that out!

Dirty Dancing is on but I can't really watch it :/ I'm supposed to be working and all.

All the Trinity siblings have earrings :O Johann is now less dorky and more hot.

Why is my bra on the living room floor?

fml, homework can go diaf, japanese, friends, relevant to my interests, rp, anime, movies, what the sh*t alanna, real life

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