*crunches on ice*

Oct 07, 2010 22:40

Today I took that stupid midterm that I've been avoiding studying for all week. I ended up studying a lot, but I still missed a couple questions. I forgot which esoteric temple one of the pagodas was at; actually, I kind of made up which pagoda I thought it was, but since it was a comparison question I assumed that it was a functionally different pagoda than the standard 5-storied pagoda at Horyuji.

Also, you don't care.

And I made up a shitton of dates, because the only buildings whose dates I actually remembered were Kinkakuji, Ginkakuji, Togudo, and Hoodo, only two of which showed up on the exam. /cross

Afterward I went to the library to grade essays and get my mind off things. Professor Rojas said hi by standing next to me and leaning over into my peripheral vision o_O Which reminded me that I'd parked my car in a two hour zone and needed to move it. Do not question my logic. I talked to Rachel a bit on gchat; neither of us have heard back from AB, which is just peachy and great and totally useful to communication.

I got an eyelash in my eye for literally an hour this afternoon, and was so annoyed that I gave up doing my Japanese homework to just lie on the couch with my eyes closed listening to an episode of Scrubs I've seen like 4 times. (Which, incidentally, is why I'm still putting off finishing my essay on cellphones.)

Watched my TV tonight and took my shower early.

Yesterday I had Japanese and then my meeting with Professor Rojas... in which I so very eloquently explained my thought processes as trains. Trains which unwittingly run off cliffs, into sticks of dynamite, cowboys, marauders, etc. The thing is, when you ask me to write a short paper on one small aspect, I am very good at what I do. I can close-read and literary analyze forever. Ask me to write more than 20 pages, and I start to lose it. I get the little things lost amongst the big picture things, and really start to lose sight of what I'm good at. It's quite frustrating, and so I kind of think I need to sit down over the break and just. Analyze the hell out of this book.

In addition to looking more carefully at this Japanese exhibit on fantasy books catalog. Damn, why did I do this to myself.

Afterward I went to visit Dana and Yan and got very distracted. I didn't leave Trent until close to 5, and then the 5:12 bus literally just went by me. I was on the phone with aznramaster at the time, and was very confused. Thankfully, the last bus was at 5:27. I am still peeved and confused by this. I am also peeved that my check for my APSI forum job can't be paid monthly, which means that's $20 less every month for me to have to put towards groceries and things.

My electric bill came yesterday for under $46. I'm pretty pleased, since I actually used the AC and everything. Now I'm gearing up for the winter; I'm sure I'm going to freeze, but I'm going to see how cold it actually gets, how well my apartment is insulated, and how comfortable I can make myself with just my robe or a sweater.

My fish are sick, or something. I cleaned the whole fishtank and starting them on antibiotics, and they seem to be doing alternately better and then the same. Unnamed blue fish is the one that's not doing so hot; Canada had fin rot I think; Scout is still a spazz and a shrimp so I can't tell if he's got any problems yet.

I finally stopped sleeping on my couch Tuesday night. It was weird and took me 15 minutes of lying in my bed to accomplish.

I have one recommender for my apps; I haven't asked my other two, though I'm fairly certain that they will say yes. This time, I'm determined not to fuck up the whole thing. I've already promised my parents and Professor Ching that I will graduate in the spring. I see no reason why I shouldn't; I feel much better this time, I'm not losing my mind, I'm not caught up in webs of complicated personal relationships that are destroying me, and, despite all the bad things, I've intentionally isolated myself so that those things can't happen to me this time.

My week has obviously been pretty boring. Yay fun times. I'm going to fail the 漢字 quiz tomorrow but I'm too tired to really care.

moar grad school, books, homework can go diaf, japanese, fishy, friends, money, anime boston, grad school, what the sh*t alanna, school, real life, television

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