Oh Internet, how I miss thee

Jun 03, 2010 10:24

Yesterday Alex and I had a Great Adventure in Westwood. He says it's not an adventure because we didn't get lost, but I feel like the wait at the Federal Building and the screaming at pedestrians makes up for that.

It took us an hour to get to Westwood; my passport appointment was at 11:30, but the wait time when I got there was an hour and a half, so we stood and waited. A bunch of windows opened up as we were standing there, so there were probably a bunch of people on lunch break, but there is also just chaos and insanity. I've never had problems at the DMV or even with this process, but there are so many different things that could go wrong - a family from Hesperia has a flight today and still hadn't received their passports, a mother with a court order gone wrong needed a passport for her son... There was crying and screaming and hysteria and it wasn't pretty ):

After my appointment was done I ate my breakfast in the car, and then we drove around looking for a place to park and talking to Mary. She told us where to park (FIRST TWO HOURS FREE YAY!) and then Alex wanted CPK for lunch :3 So we ate in the very deserted restaurant :O Then we walked to Diddy Riese for cookies and ice cream, omnomnom before going back to my car to find Mary's apartment.

I really, really am terrified by the thought of living in Westwood. I can't handle the parking - I'm not stubborn enough to just make myself fit into a space, taking up the entire street in the process, and even if you get a guaranteed spot there's so little parking that those spaces are narrow and usually two deep and ARGH. WHY ARE ALL MY PROGRAMS IN SCARY PLACES LIKE THIS. I managed to find parking okay but then getting out was a bit of work.

We hung out at Mary's for awhile, during which time I threatened to leave due to the use of suicide as a verb.

Also we threw lots of stuffed animals at Mary. idek.

The drive back to Arcadia around 7 wasn't that bad, and we made it back by 8. I dropped Alex off then went to Ten Ren to have a snack with Clark, where I also ran into susurin_tree, who I've been trying to get in touch with on and off for the past few days. Clark is headed to Hopkins! Which is still kind of far from Duke and Baltimore is super gross but alkdj;akf okay fine, at least we'll be in the same timezone? I missed Mudd's graduation, but I guess I didn't miss much at all :D

I chatted with Szu for a bit, then went back to Alex's to check my email and chat before going home... where my mother didn't realize I was home for an hour and a half (she was sleeping). Then we sat up talking until 2, and that's going to come back to bite me in the ass later today or tomorrow.

Let's see, what else... Tuesday I mailed off the package for Kathi and Professor Ching, went out to Claremont to say hi to Sefa and Karin (Dayne and Winnie were working at the AARC, so I chatted for a few minutes, and Daren was... out?), then took care of some shopping :3 I have a bottle of perfume, three new bras, and nerdish I got the coral lipstick you suggested to me! Monday was a holiday and I don't think I did anything, I don't really remember - we drove Kevin back to Irvine and had In-N-Out. Sunday I had dinner with my whole family out in Brea, and Saturday was Jonathan's recital.

I've checked multiple times, and I'm still really nervous about this whole Japan thing.

moar grad school, pomona, shopping, friends, real life, school

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