like my ipod stuck on replay

Apr 21, 2010 10:29

Life has calmed down this much. *holds fingers apart*


-individual session
-漢字 reading quiz
-漢字 writing quiz
-lesson quiz
-proficiency exam
-pop culture paper/project
-Japanese lit paper

-Japanese party?
-drinking with Jordan
-going out with Saena
-radio drama show
-APSI party
-meeting with Professor Ching

So anyway, sometime soon I need to buy my plane ticket, for which I need to borrow money from my parents ): Because I don't get a travel grant until after I come back. UM. WHAT WAS THE POINT OF THIS ENTIRE STUPID PROCESS THEN. I won't get the grant money until late May, which means that I also need to set aside $400 to pay for my initial travel in Japan, which needs to be paid by May 11.

I had something to say here and now I don't. Umm. I'm a little nervous. Not only do I have to pack myself up and move out, but Yao needs to move out, Jordan and Kathi and Saena are graduating, I need an apartment for next year, and then I need to pick up and go to Japan for most of the summer. I'm this worred *holds fingers apart* about money, since I only have about $1000 from my grant to cover lunches and personal necessities, and I've set aside about $1500 for everything else, plus whatever I have leftover. Really, I'm just worried about getting tired and not wanting to do anything once I'm in Japan.

I really wanted to go to Gov Team Nationals up in Alexandria/DC this week/weekend/next week, but Japanese is a bitch and I have stuff like, every day. Even on LDOC (hopefully we all remember to go to the concert :3). I also am working this weekend, so. I kind of need that $60.

$60 would almost pay for this NSFW link.

homework can go diaf, japanese, friends, way too happy, money, gov, grad school, internets, school, real life

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