tell me what is on your mind

Mar 27, 2010 19:39

HMMMM okay so I'm sure there were important things that I was supposed to have posted about, but I've since forgotten what they were. orz where is my memory going.

The weather has been fucking gorgeous. Light spring showers, 70+ degree weather, sunset not until after 7. I'm in love, a little bit.

The pollen, on the other hand, is going to drive me insane, I just know it. My nose is already itchy and I've been sneezing a lot.

Yesterday I slept in in hopes that it would make me feel better (it did), then finally dragged myself out to run errands. I stopped by Target because I bought a pair of shoes that desperately needed insoles and heel grips to make them fit, so I tried them! For the first time ever! I also needed more shampoo because ffffff I go through hair products so fast ):

Then I went to the dry cleaners! And used a dry cleaners alteration/fixing service for the first time! Ever! A button came off my hot pink coat so I asked them to put it back on :3 And it didn't cost any extra! X3

After that I stopped by Northgate because I needed those heel grips and then a new bra. And I got new underwear too because, idk, it makes me happy. *shrugs* I AM ALWAYS SO EXCITED BY BUYING NEW LINGERIE, DON'T JUDGE ME.

I ran around waving my arms (i.e. did my Wii Fit time) before Jordan, Yao, and Jen came to pick me up so we could go shopping. Jordan has been excited by the opening of H&M at Crabtree for like. Months. It opened last week or something and she was so excited about going, we all went. Because we're awesome like that.

Jordan: "I'm hungry, can we go to the Hello Kitty store for gum?"

We got candy, Hello Kitty things, and then food :3 Jordan chipped a tooth at the end of dinner and I cried a little. Then we spent forever in line at H&M, but I got new spring dresses! They're also summer-y dresses too, but I don't know that I'm going to want to drag them with me to Japan. (Holy crap, what am I taking?) Then we stopped at THE DISNEY STORE because we are all secretly 10 inside.

I wanted to look at a vest at Charlotte Russe, but my chest is too big ;___; So instead I bought a sundress on clearance.

We dropped Jen off at home then Yao and Jordan came to watch the Duke game with me. GOOD NEWS GUYS. After today's rounds, DUKE IS THE ONLY TEAM LEFT IN MY BRACKET! And I don't even have them winning! K-State and Butler played a great game, even if it didn't end the way I wanted it to. Also it ended with some very poor basketball. Duke nearly lost it last night against Purdue - they just didn't really show up to play offense, which is annoying. At the half each team only had about 25 points >.> Seriously, Duke should win their game tomorrow, if they decide to actually play.


I watched the Friends episode on TV after Yao and Jordan left and then I went to sleep, because I had work today!

And because idk I like my new clothes? And Jordan and Yao like this dress - I bought this sometime this week, probably Thursday I think when I didn't have class in the afternoon. I LOVE THE CLEARANCE RACKS.

Also the shoes that I fixed with MAGIC STICKY THINGS INSIDE.

Sorry drownecities, I know you said you don't like that color, but I do :3

pictures, friends, north carolina wtf, go blue devils, shopping, basketball, real life, television

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