Ack I have an hour to find and fix my resume, print it, my essay, and my transcript. *flails a little on LJ*
I er, also need a ride to RDU at 5:45 or so Friday morning. orz
I addition to me actually doing homework yesterday, like my Japanese stuff and then my presentation slides, I actually a) exercised and b) had dinner with Yao. It was super exciting. omnomnom meat :3
I missed most of How I Met Your Mother, saw the better part of Chuck (DO NOT WANT), and The Big Bang Theory. Also The Daily Show and Colbert Report.
So I found out that I will miss the Opening Ceremonies of the Olympics and the Duke-UNC game this weekend. I might just be lame and hole myself up in a hotel room or a bar.
Also I am very tired and now have nothing to say... because I've forgotten what it was I was going to say in the first place D:
This was a really stupid entry.
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