Last Wednesday is a tad fuzzy in my brain. I think Freya called and woke me up to change our lunch location, which I really needed since otherwise I probably would have slept until lunch. I met her at the Marie Callendar's at the mall for lunch and we had PIE. Also had conversation, but PIE. I miss Freya! ♥ And frozen yogurt, but that's a different story.
After lunch I went to JCPenney to exchange one of the shirts I got for Christmas and see if I could exchange my brother's shirt. No luck with Kevin's shirt, but I got mine and then even found a cute short suit jacket for myself :3 Shopping is so bad for me.
Then I went back home and did laundry/packed/watched TV/fiddled with the Internet etc. etc. until dinnertime, when I drove all the way to Arcadia to have dinner with Jonathan, Kat, and Nancy at BJ's. Hahaha. I still can't believe Jonathan called Kat. I'm sure he regrets it less than he pretends. Anyway, that dinner was obviously filled with good times. Kat asked Jonathan if he had a girlfriend, and if he would ever consider dating her. Kat is visiting New York to audition at the Manhattan School of Music and wants to have dinner with Jonathan. He does not want this ("Once a year is plenty"). I decided to helpfully chime in that Jonathan had dinner with me while I was in New York (probably because I was sleeping on his common room couch) and that I paid.
So Kat offered to pay for dinner. Which then eventually devolved into paying Jonathan to have dinner with him.
I also noted that I did not try to ask Jonathan out or touch him (because Jonathan does not like touching. This is a known fact). So Kat said she would not ask him out or touch him.
You can see now the ridiculousness into which we dissolved. At some point, Kat offered Jonathan all the coins in her wallet, one of which was from Canada.
I stopped at the studio to say hi to my fish then went home to television, video games, and slow Internet.
Yesterday I slept in until noon, or something like that, then spent the rest of the day taking care of things. I drove to Michael's for supplies and made Katie her Christmas present; I went to Target to get ink to fix my printer, I went to the library to print my grammar notes (twice, because I forgot my ID card the first time), filled out my direct deposit forms, downloaded all my summer program applications, hung my frame, and did not make it to the bead show. Maybe today.
I still haven't found the audio files for my Japanese homework and it's stressing me out and I want to cry. I don't know why I'm being such a baby about, of all things, Japanese. I've done all I could (seriously, I've clicked like every link in Blackboard and searched all the files). Until Jen gets back to me about where her audio files are, or Saitou-sensei emails me back, there's nothing I can do. I should just not worry about it, like I do with all my other classes when I exhaust all my options with no results.
rhapsody_in_rue, when are you (respectively) getting to Katsu-Con? I can probably get there late Thursday night, but I don't want to get there only to be by myself.