i'm a mess in a dress

Jan 13, 2010 15:13


I already have a 作文 due tomorrow on the New Year's Resolution I don't have OH MY GODS THIS IS WHY I HATE LANGUAGE CLASSES EFFING HOMEWORRRRRRRRRRRRRRK -

So SUNDAY I woke up and my mommy made おぞに for breakfast! In the early afternoon we went to Little Tokyo so that I could buy まんじゅ as a gift for Kathi and her kids for taking care of my fish during the break. Of course, we had to park over by the Korean market, so we ended up walking through the Village Plaza and I ended up buying things :x Along with Kathi's and our まんじゅ I bought a Santa!maneki neko and this tiny little one with SWORDS and then my mommy bought me these three sitting together that are solar powered. She also bought me a very nice set of かんざし. Then we went to the Korean market to get Kevin tea and a teapot and stuff! :D

Then there were other boring errands and then we had to take Kevin back to Irvine, so we ate at the Outback in Irvine. OMNOMNOMSTEAK. Gods that was such a good ribeye~ And the sweet potato~~~ ♥

Yup. That was it. Totally interesting amirite.

Yesterday Yao and I had the greatest adventure. I didn't wake up until nearly 11, partially because fluffy kitten was whining. Then she ended up in my shower right before I turned it on - I hope she learned her lesson. Yao asked me to take her to a friend's apartment to pick up some stuff from a moving sale, but first we didn't really know where the apartment was (yay for the GPS) and then we found out that it was the new apartment, and all the stuff was at the old apartment. SO WE WENT TO THE OLD APARTMENT.

Dropped the stuff off at Yao's and I showed her how to put together her sidetable from Ikea. Finally it was lunchtime, so we went to Arby's, AND I TRIED THE PECAN CHICKEN SALAD. So delicious~ I spent the rest of the afternoon/evening unpacking, tagging, and taking care of other various tasks. I might have a class schedule now! I'm just dithering between taking the class at UNC or the class Professor Harutoonian is teaching as a visiting professor. GDIT CLASSES, WHY DID YOU SUDDENLY BECOME DIFFICULT.

That was yet another entirely useless entry. I've been trying to watch KKM 97 for two days now but I can never watch the whole thing in one sitting, which is starting to get annoying because the audio is weird and skips when I try to start after pausing. It bothers me greatly.

There is also something wrong with my printer. I should fix it.

japanese, friends, grad school, anime, shopping, computer, school, real life

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