and I further delay explaining food poisoning

Oct 19, 2009 15:44

Tomorrow I'm getting a haircut! So for everyone that wanted to see my hair (and for those of you who just wanted to see my face):

these are the attractive ones, okay )

101 in 1001, pictures, real life

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mizzshy October 19 2009, 21:47:10 UTC
:o You're so pretty...

And I have a friend who used to have hair that long... But she was blonde... How short are you cutting it?


the_great_elk October 19 2009, 22:36:26 UTC
This is a lie :<

As not short as possible! Although I am getting tired of having people sit on it on the bus...


mizzshy October 19 2009, 23:06:25 UTC
It is not. I have very good vision. :3

Ah I know that feeling... My mother keeps telling me to get my hair cut and when I do I get two or three inches off.


the_great_elk October 20 2009, 01:14:18 UTC
Is different from good judgement :<

Hahaha. I'm going to ask very nicely... they do need to trim the ends though, very badly, as I abuse my hair a lot.


mizzshy October 20 2009, 13:57:57 UTC
My judgement is fine. :P

Ahh split ends? Yeah my hair is splitting like mad at the moment... :/


the_great_elk October 20 2009, 15:15:06 UTC
And now my split ends are gone! Yay!

I think I need better conditioner :/


mizzshy October 20 2009, 17:34:12 UTC
Yay! :D

I find that conditioner makes my hair greasy so if I use it I wash it off with shampoo afterwards. :/


the_great_elk October 20 2009, 18:49:52 UTC
Oh yes. I always buy the kind of conditioner you wash out; I also only condition the ends (so not the scalp).


mizzshy October 20 2009, 19:24:53 UTC
... I don't even want to imagine doing your whole hair with conditioner... Is it very thick too? :o


the_great_elk October 20 2009, 19:57:28 UTC
Sort of? Kind of? D:


mizzshy October 20 2009, 20:40:53 UTC
Bleh; pain to wash... Mine is and it's nowhere near as long... Just thick. ^^;


the_great_elk October 21 2009, 00:25:33 UTC
Sounds like a pain D: I think mine would be more noticeably thick if it weren't so long.


mizzshy October 21 2009, 12:53:19 UTC
Ah I know what you mean... My sister's hair always looked really thin... Then she cut it ALL off and suddenly it got thicker. :o


the_great_elk October 21 2009, 14:28:30 UTC
Like magic! Like when I get my hair cut short(er) it suddenly becomes wavy!


mizzshy October 21 2009, 15:28:45 UTC
Yes I think it's the weight pulling it down when it's longer. My friend used to have really long wavy hair but then she got it cut really short and now he has ringlets (which I like to play with because they're all curly and whee :D).


the_great_elk October 21 2009, 15:53:33 UTC


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