May 18, 2009 09:05

Yesterday morning I woke up around 7:30 or so, then lay in bed because Katie's friends decided it was absolutely necessary that they use the bathroom before me... which meant that I didn't even get to begin getting ready until after 8:30. Needless to say, I was a bit peeved, but that was all right. I had enough time to freshen myself up, put all my clothes on, do my makeup, figure out what the hell I was doing with the 6 different leis I'd been given, and still walk down to meet John and Patricia before going to Stover Walk.

Ran around looking for Kristin and Jess to give them back their leis, while my parents and family came to find me to fix the lei fiasco. And then we stood around waiting to start. *twiddles thumbs* It was already kind of warm :/

The procession was fine, no one fell over, and the girl two in front of me dropped her mortarboard during the entrance but whatever. Sitting was great. Hahaha. We stood for the national anthem, but then had to be told to remain standing for the invocation. And then they did the student speeches, which were quite all right. Alix's was quite good, actually. Then the Glee Club sang... something.

And then there were MORE SPEECHES. Mary Schmich, who writes for the Chicago Tribune, was our first honorary degree. She's probably more famously known for writing "Wear Sunscreen," which she read for us. After her was Luis Valdez, who founded El Teatro Campesino and wrote Zoot Suit; a good number of students stood for him when he received his honorary degree and after his speech. Our keynote speaker was Bob Herbert, who write Op-Ed for the New York Times. His speech was quite nice - simple, sort of short, and full of good points, although at times I thought there was too much to fit in one speech.

AND THEN IT WAS TIME TO AWARD DEGREES YAY. :3 We weren't entirely sure about moving our tassels, so we just followed the people in the rows in front of us. Carlos told me he was in the crazy person in the front row yelling my name, hahaha. I think I heard Susan and Viv yelling at me as I was walking back to my seat, but couldn't find them. :/ Everyone was sort of unsure about throwing the mortarboards, so it was kind of half-hearted. I found Mary and Charles on my way out, during which time I did not fall.

So after that we just hung out in the shade, slowing collecting members of my party. I got Susan and Charles and Jameson first, then Mary and Charles, then my dad, then my aunt and cousins, and then everyone else. And at some point Vivian, lol. I took pikkers! And then went looking for people and my professors and stuff, and my parents got to meet random other parents. Like Jamie's :D

After an hour and a half of pictures and wandering about looking for people, we went to lunch! Mary took me back to my room so I could get my ID so I could drink at lunch XD So I got to ride with Mary and Charles. And then we had lunch! And it was delicious :3 18 of us at Elephant Bar yay! I did get a drink - a strawberry pina colada, which was totally delicious. It was a nice lunch. I sat with my friends, but I squeezed in between my brother and cousin for awhile and sat with my aunts and uncles. And I got pressies! I love pressies! Even rocks!

Susan drove me and Viv and Jameson back to Pomona, where we proceeded to sit in Walker Lounge playing mahjong for a while. It was a nice day out, but it was hot as hell and there was AC in Walker. Also ran into Sam when I took a break to take care of my eczema :D

I finally changed out of my fantastic pink dress for dinner, which was had at Del Taco, the only place Viv, Jameson, and Susan could agree on. Before dinner we stopped at the House of Susan, which is really nice (in four years of knowing Susan, I have never been). We had our tacos of deliciousness, then dropped Jameson and Viv off at Ontario. Viv was going to try to go standby, and apparently made it! Yay~ Susan dropped me off at Pomona, and I went to go take care of things.

I picked up the lamp that I'd bought, then went to hang out with Chatham, Jim, and Rio. We went to Donut Man and came back to watch I'm On a Boat and eat donuts. Then I went to pick up my mug from Em's room. I ended up helping Alex move stuff down to his car/UHaul trailer. Then Em and I sat in Vadim's room for a bit. I went to chat with Tim, then Em and Alex joined me in the hall to stare at Tim's crotch and ass and otherwise drive Tim insane. Alex gave me a headscratch, mmmmmm.

John and Patricia called to say that Jamie said he would play mahjong, so we headed to Walker Lounge. I hung out on Walker Beach with all the drunk/drinking people for a bit, then went inside to play a couple of hands before Jamie wanted to go back out and see if he could kiss guys. The attractive ones, at least. Patricia and John and I sat around for a bit, but we were all tired, so they headed back to Norton Clark and I went back out onto the Beach in hopes of getting back to my room.

But no! I was waylaid by finding Alex, Joanne, JP, Garwen, and others mingling about. We were all thoroughly amused by Joanne's drunkenness, which involved introducing everyone in the way of: "Everyone, this is JP! JP is white and male and everybody loves him! He's so easy to love!" etc. etc. At some point, I absolutely had to go or I'd pass out on the cement, so I said good night and good-bye to Jamie, bid everyone else good night, and went back to my room, where Katie's alarm was going off at 2 in the morning. I slept for an hour; the party was still going at 3:15, but it was significantly diminished and I doubted I knew anyone there anymore, so I went back to sleep.

I only sort of vaguely understand that I will not see most of these people for years, if ever again.

graduation, friends, real life, school

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