May 08, 2009 10:18

Wednesday morning I skipped ecology to do work and/or sleep, but instead I ended up ruining my day. More on that probably later somewhere. Our last Genderbox was at lunch, so I went over to the AARC for Vietnamese sandwiches. Since it took people a while to trickle in, Charlotte and I bitched about stuff. It was kind of a relief. Eventually people did show up though, so we played Made in L.A.. It's a really, really good piece about garment workers in L.A. and their boycott of Forever 21, which started in 2001.

After lunch I went to lab, which was pretty chill. I cut the rest of my Brassica and weighed the control plants. Yay. Then I went to work for Professor Miyake; we fixed some grade templates and her curriculum project on Japanese literature (literary history? I don't remember what the title is - I've only revised it about 4 times).

I went back to my room to have leftovers for dinner (at least, I think I did. This sounds vaguely familiar) and then I tried to work, but ended up watching a bunch of episodes of 30 Rock and Bones instead. Ugh. I picked out some romantic comedies I wanted to see, and had Leo pick one (High Fidelity), but then John called to let me know it was time to play mahjong! And we had four players!

So Patricia and John and David and I played mahjong until like, 1:30 in the morning. It was kind of epic. John talked about me and Patricia feeding him (DAVID LAUGHED TOO OKAY SO IT'S NOT JUST ME AND PATRICIA) and David tried to win on a hand that involved a "consecutive" 4-6-8 combination. For those unfamiliar, 4-6-8 is not consecutive :P John and I were both like, "... what?" and after two more of us had played our turns David was like, "Wait, NONE OF THOSE ARE CONSECUTIVE WHAT?"

I came back to a lot of freaking out, which was kind of funny and mostly not. People are stupid shitheads sometimes. I hate people and their damn emotions. (Which really, you know, means I hate me and my damn emotions.) Luke was there and hung out for a bit, but I really needed to sleep.

Thursday morning I woke up at 11:25 for an 11:30 staff meeting. Wonderful. It was kind of a pointless staff meeting. There were a stunning 5 interns there, and I was too tired to voice actual thoughts or complaints. We got done early and I went wandering off in search of lunch. Which really meant going to Frary to grab take-out for like, the 5th time this week.

After lunch I proceeded to lie in bed watching High Fidelity instead of doing anything really productive. After the movie I fell asleep for a couple of hours until Katie brought back a Topher, and the Topher and I sat chatting while the Katie took a shower and collected her stuff for the Glee Club concert. Then we all went to sushi dinner. NOMNOMNOM.

Topher walked me back to class, where I showed up having done... well, nothing, considering all I did for most of the week was sleep. It was still a pretty good class - Kathay Feng from Common Cause and Ismael Ileto came to speak about hate crimes and voting rights. Anyone remember the Filipino postal worker shot in Granada Hills in 1999? Probably not, because most of the media covered it as the Jewish community center shooting. But the only person that died that day was a Filipino mail carrier, covering for another mail carrier, shot because he had dark skin. There's a lot to say about racial violence and the place of Asian Americans as a minority, but not here. Vincent Chin will always hold a special place in our history, but we can't think that violence against our community stopped with him.

I'm pretty sure I went back to my room to watch more TV. I tried to fall asleep to 21, which didn't really work. I had to pause the movie in order to sleep. I'm not sure why I didn't really enjoy it... I just didn't. I might have done other things... Like... no, definitely didn't work.

Friday morning I'm pretty sure I made it to class - I wish I remember what we talked about. I think it was transgenic plants. After class I went back to my room to shower, and when I got out I noticed I had a message from Susan! So Susan and I ended up having lunch at the Coop :D Since it was alumni weekend, there were snacks in the AARC, and since Susan was a legitimate alumna, I took her upstairs and we got more food!

I went down to the Admissions Office (after changing out of my hooker shoes) and gave the first part of a tour with Steven. I left after Carnegie, since the Asian Studies theses presentations were going on, and John was presenting when we went in. So I listened to his from outside the door, and then stayed to watch David's, which went on FOREVER. Hahaha.

Patricia and I both left after David's presentation, so we stopped by the mailroom and the AARC to chat for a bit. I updated my APICD reservation and talked to my parents and aunt briefly. Then I had to head to my room to change and get ready for the baseball game!

Yup. It was good. Nao was there too, so he sat with us and took James's place, since James cancelled last minute. ): The game itself was pretty boring... Nice pitching, but nothing interesting. No one scored until the Dodgers won -_- Sanchez loaded the bases in the bottom of the 9th by hitting a batter, intentionally walking Manny, and then walking Russell Martin.

Also, all-you-can-eat is pretty awesome. I highly doubt I made up for that, but oh well. Maybe John and Nao did :D

Once we got back from the game Patricia and John and I played mahjong for a bit. Tiffany joined us for a little while, but then had to sleep (something the rest of us should have been doing :P). I went back to my room intending to sleep, but Topher was there and then Jammin showed up, so it was a bit longer before I got to bed than I'd hoped.

Saturday I woke up later than I'd hoped to and stumbled to lab. I weighed one of my treatments, then had to come back to my room to change and wait for Andrew. Andrew was actually running a little late, so I had to delay my lab meeting. We went to Mora Sushi for lunch :D OMNOMNOMSUSHI. Also, I ate a lot. I was kind of surprised at how much I managed to eat.

I went back to campus to have my meeting with Professor Hanzawa and run some data, then weighed the rest of my samples and went back to my room. Emily and I agreed to meet at the Motley to work on our history presentation, and ended up relocating to my room and doing most of the work on it. Around dinner time Emily went back up to Mudd, and I ate some leftovers out of my fridge and watched some TV.

At some point, I finally decided that I really needed to do that work on the history Powerpoint, so I joined Susan in the fireplace lounge. Of course, the first thing we did was go to Baskin Robbins for ice cream. And then we watched TV, because we couldn't work and eat ice cream out of cones at the same time. And then we worked. Sort of. I tried to work, and did a little, but was completely exhausted and my abdomen was starting to hurt from what I assumed was a pulled muscle or general stomach unhappiness from all the junk I'd eaten all day.

Eventually, it devolved into me and Susan reading FML and moderating submissions. Needless to say, I didn't make it to the QRC party.

I did stumble back to my room to sleep. I was looking for a new show to watch while falling asleep (generally sitcoms work well), but John was completely unhelpful, so I ended up watching an episode of Mythbusters to try to fall asleep to.

Sunday morning I woke up and tried to do some work, but I thought I was going home at 12:30 and didn't end up actually doing so until 2:30. >.< Kevin was studying for AP exams, so I took a bunch of pictures by myself. Once he got back, we did some stuff together and went to City Hall as well.

Had dinner (carnitas!!!) with my family, then my dad drove me back to school. I discovered in the car that the general discomfort I'd felt since the previous night was actually extremely uncomfortable, and when I got out, I nearly fell over. I unloaded my stuff and went and lay down, which is when it began to dawn on me that hell this hurt.

So I called my parents. And they kind of freaked out. So I called the on-call nurse practitioner, who said that I could probably wait to get it checked out until the next morning unless I vomited, got a fever, or the pain got worse. Nice. So I whined and hung out with Matt and Katie in her room and fell asleep... thankfully. I was sincerely worried that it would hurt so much I wouldn't be able to will myself to sleep.

Monday morning I woke up without pain, but called Student Health anyway. I skipped ecology, since I was completely exhausted, and tried to do some work before I met with Emily to work more on our presentation. After I ate lunch we worked until almost 3:30, when I went to the health center. And sat. For a really long time.

Turned out I have a kidney infection. Lovely. So I'm on antibiotics now. Whooo~

After that I met up with Emily again to finish up our presentation and run it once. And then we went to class. And presented. And were good. Yay.

Immense pain followed, so I went back to my room to sleep/agonize in pain. I know. Exciting.

Tuesday morning there was more pain, followed by lunch and meds, followed by working with Emily on our paper practically all afternoon, followed by pain, followed by Mix Bowl dinner at around 10 because of my meds schedule, and then there was sleep. Did I mention that I had a lab presentation the next day that I had yet to run data on?

Which brings us to yesterday! I woke up in time for breakfast and class, the former of which I needed for my antibiotics. Class was fine, and then I went to ITS to run my data through SPSS. After that I came back and put together a Powerpoint presentation in less than 2 hours! I stopped by ITS right before lab to try to make a graph, which failed miserably. Damn.

Lab presentations went fine, which is great, yay. Afterward I went back to my room to eat my second full meal and work, and I actually worked enough over the rest of the night so that I finished my lab report and watched half of Lust, Caution! Whooooo!

Of course, Katie decided it'd be a totally awesome idea to have a party in her room that night that went until, idk, 2 in the morning? Rawr.

friends, tim is the internet, work, movies, school, real life, baseball, television

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