(no subject)

Nov 30, 2008 10:29

1) I officially have 15,000 words left to write before midnight. Hahaha. Unofficially I have 8,000 words of incoherent, stream-of-consciousness rambling that will more likely than not be added back in for the sake of the word count. The site will also probably spend the whole day crashing. Ugh. I'll probably win this year, but it's not as exciting as it was the last two years. The first year I had lots of NaNo buddies to talk to and encourage and I had a nice built-in reward system. Last year was just exciting because I had great places to write, I was in Oxford, and I actually finished. This year is just... blah. Like, yay, I'm done, but damn, my life sucks anyway.

2) Sorry, will update a bit about my boring Thanksgiving later. I still need to go shopping today for some pants -_-. Also too lazy and probably too poor to do anything about the missing computer parts, which I would really like to get in time for next semester so I can share, download, and play games :D

3) OMG I'm going to fail out of Pomona. (not really). I'm looking at 5 classes next semester, plus dance, plus the yearbook, AARC, and research assistant work. And I'd like to do band, but I have a Monday night class. And there are about 4 classes I'd like to audit. GAH. My thesis is crawling along, at least, but I find myself wishing I'd done another major. I love the mentors I found in my department, but I am really discouraged by how I'm thinking I wish I'd done something different now. It's disheartening that no one told me I was a shitty Politics major until now, right before I'm ready to graduate.

4) I need to make a Christmas list. And I need to hop on getting Christmas presents. That's the best part of Christmas (no matter what James and his anti-capitalist feelings are). I love buying presents! It makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside to be like, "Here, have present! I love you!"

Awww, see, I'm tearing up.

Though I really wish KOST would stop playing Christmas music. THE THANKSGIVING LEFTOVERS AREN'T EVEN GONE, 'KAY?

5) I. Need. To. Finish. GRAD SCHOOL APPS. Holy shit.

writing, nanowrimo, christmas, grad school, shopping, computer, school, thesis

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