Rawr test!

Oct 06, 2008 08:29

So yes, instead of working or doing anything remotely productive, I'm LJ-ing! Yay!

Obligatory babies:

Saturday morning I woke up nice and early, got dressed in comfy clothes, washed my face and everything. I even had like, real breakfast! Then my dad drove me to Rio Hondo, where we proceeded to discover that EVERYTHING is confusing, especially with regards to roads. One would have hoped they'd have "LSAT" signs, but alas. Eventually we found the Admin building and Lot A, so I hopped out with my plastic bag of stuff.

They lined us up outside, counted us off, and took us into rooms. Then we had to individually be checked in and thumbprinted and seated. Then we had to be individually handed our packets. Then we took a long time to fill out all the appropriate information. Then we were ready to start.

Then the classroom next door burst into laughter, applause, and what sounded like salsa music. And we were like wtf. So we called the site supervisor, she had to check on the next room, and they turned down the sound (they were watching Borat). Then we're about to start again, when they start laughing again.

So we call the site supervisor again (she doesn't pick up the first time), and she moves us to a new room. But first they have to individually collect our packets, then line us up single-file like kindergartners, then walk us across the courtyard to another building, individually re-seat and re-check us...

By the time we actually started it was 10 or so. I was there before 8:30.

Then the first section was a bitch. I'm usually really good at logic games. Like, really good. And usually, they're a lot of fun. I HATED THIS ONE. WITH ALL MY HEART. I could not do some of them and I was frustrated as hell.

The test got better as it went on. I was done about a quarter to 2.


Dad drove me to Arcadia, then my brother and I proceeded to gossip for a while. Then we all went shopping for a tie for Kevin. We cheated and went looking for Sabrina's dress, so we knew what color purple it was, then went back to JCPenney's to look for a tie and shirt. I really like Kevin's tie. Like, really. :D

After shopping (and I found a $5 pair of jeans - GO ME) we went to Sizzler to meet my aunt for dinner. Then my aunt took me and my brother to Border's (it was Educator's Weekend, so she got 25% off). As we were pulling out of the parking lot of Sizzler, the news was all excited because the LA teams were doing so well. The Dodgers were up 2-0 (AND BTW W00T THEY WON THE SERIES!!!), USC was up 37-10, and UCLA was tied at 0 at halftime.

My aunt and brother and I spent a couple hours at Borders. I couldn't pry myself away from the children's books. I got Seeing Redd, The City of Ember, Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist, and The Neverending Story, among other things.

Went back to my aunt's house, where we talked about Boston as I flipped between Bleach dubs and National Treasure. At 11:30 we switched to Saturday Night Live and got to see their take on the VP debate.

Then we went home and my mom and I sat up in the dining room reading. I think I went to sleep around 2:30.

lsat, books, ucla, dragons!, anime, shopping, movies, real life, baseball, television

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