Sep 18, 2006 22:08
It's kind of nice knowing that I'm still a little smarter than my sister in some ways. Even though she has this super amazing biology/chemistry filled education, and even though she's going to be figuring how/why/when people died, I still have a smidge more knowledge than her when it comes to some of the more simple things of life. For example, tonight we were having dinner and my Grandma's, and my mom brought this bag filled with belts and what not. So as my sister was trying some of them on, she picked up this brown one, and couldn't figure out how to put it on. Luckily, Somewhat-Life-Savy-Brother was there to say, "that's a luggage strap, idiot." Then we laughed. After that she grabbed this belt that that doesn't buckle, but has two loops that you have to put it through to tighten it. So after watching her struggle with that for a bit, I got up and put it on right for her. And then we laughed (at her) some more. It was pretty nice to have one up on the kid with the brains.
Oh! On the way to my Grandma's place my mom told that she is going to take my sister to Hawaii. WTF? She then explains that she's taking her because she's graduating from college. WTF? I mean I understand that and all, but just because I decided to go help the people of Uganda by building a playground, medicating the imprisioned, and supporting the ecomny in addition to my soul searching, culture enfused, solo trip thousands of miles away to 10 European countries, doesn't mean I shouldn't be rewarded with a trip to Hawaii too, damn it. I mean, who cares that I'm pretty much as interested in being lazy in Hawaii as I am in eating my own poop, that's beside the point. The point of the story is that I desperately want to go to Tibet, but I can't afford to go, therefore I am sad of all free trips not involving my going to Tibet.