Mar 19, 2005 22:19
i dont want to be a downer,
but my spring break was pretty lame.
i had to write a brit lit paper, a 10 page nonfiction piece, a chaucer research paper on troilus and criseyde, a poem with its genesis and first and second drafts, and study for a brit lit exam. ive tackled about 3/4ths of it. im really trying to keep calm about it and not stress out.
tommorrow i come back at 7/8ish pm and plan to go to the ucf library (if its open) all night.
we painted my room :cherry cobbler red: and hung up my kimono from japan, and several photos from our trips there, and displayed my japanese dolls and artwork- basically i am redoing the whole room... since im not here most of the time anyway, it might as well be nice for guests... um...
we are petsitting my moms friends dog. it has the same name as our dog. cocoa. haha.
its cuter, smaller and i love it! its asleep right now, its been a long day for him!
my eyes have been bloodshot since i woke up... ive been sleeping poorly all week,
the only time i really got out all week was last night. i went to a movie (the phantom of the opera)
with a guy i had a crush on in kindergarten thru 3rd grade. we havent seen each other since 1993. haha.
he still looks the same, and hes pretty nice. its was so ironic. he lives in this town.. we knew each other in a different city- odd how we both ended up here after 12 yrs of both moving around.. haha
um... im gonna be in the library all week if anyone wants to bring me meals.
hopefully my cell is working. it hasnt worked up here, so i hope its just a regional problem
and doesnt have problems in FL.
all these beautiful people with beautiful significant others'- annoying.
im still waiting patiently.
sense and sensibility is a great movie. LOVE IT.
shannon... cant wait to hit the gym!