An update...assuming I don't get distracted.

May 26, 2007 22:33

My journal came to me last night and, when I asked it what it wished for, it told me that it wanted to be a real journal. It was rather pathetic, all sobbing and sniffling. And how can someone who is not completely frigid (and despite what some may say, I am not frigid) say no to this:

I mean, come on. I'm not completely without heart. suppose you think I should have one, don't you? My journal certainly seemed to think so when it asked for real content.
I work. I spend weekends with rowry. I eat. I sleep. Et cetera.

Two weeks ago I went to Tunica with rowry and his parents. I had never been to the delta before. It wasn't what I anticipated.
I expected this:

or this:

(Both of which were taken in 1989, the latter of which was taken in Tunica.)

But what I saw was more like this:

and this:

Tunica, once known for its famous Sugar Ditch Alley (thank you internet for giving me the necessary information to sound halfway intelligent), was a rather disappointing trip as far as seeing unfamiliar parts of Mississippi. After all, I can drive an hour and a half and see casinos at home. Why drive the 6 hours to Tunica?
It also annoyed me I think because Mississippi has a reputation for looking like the first two pictures. I guess some part of me wanted to see the justification for the sweeping generalizations about my home state and was rather miffed at not seeing it.
While I won't deny that there are still places in Mississippi that don't have electricity or running water, I don't fully want to believe that it is true.

Last weekend rowry and I went home for the weekend. (Home for me anyway.)
I got to drive across the new Bay bridge. The old Bay Bridge was wiped out during Katrina. This new one is much higher and a little more scary. (Which may be due in part to the fact that it was very obviously only half done.)

This weekend I stayed home. A blessed weekend of stay-at-home goodness. I slept in. I cleaned. I cooked. I was generally productive.

Tomorrow I go to work, then Monday I am off. In hindsight I should have taken tomorrow off, but I didn't decide not to work on Monday until it was too late.
One of the joys of working as a professional for the State of Mississippi is having the option to work on holidays. I know. You must be thinking, "Work on a holiday by CHOICE?? You must be mad, woman!!" But this is a good thing, I promise. It provides an easy way to get out of awkward holiday moments: "Oh, sorry honey. I can't go to the 4th of July tractor pull with you and your cousin Jim Bob. I have to work." And working holidays doesn't mean time an a half; it means holiday time. Holiday time means that the state now owes me one day off, which I can take when I want, rather than waiting for the next inconveniently scheduled holiday. And frankly, why do holiday things on the holidays when everyone else is doing it when you can celebrate when you WANT to and when it isn't so busy at Wal-Mart,
Alas, this holiday I am off. I actually procrastinated so long on making the decision of whether or not to work that I missed the cut off date for signing up. Oh well. Paid day off for me.

And on that note. This post is long enough. (Yes I know I cheated by posting a ton of pictures. But you have to admit that this is the longest content filled post I have written in a while.)
And my journal is now happy.

boring update, life (not the magazine), hurricane katrina, mississippi, homelife

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