My tweets

Dec 04, 2021 12:00

  • Fri, 14:15: RT @ RevDaniel: Walking Chester. 2 teenage boys walking to school ahead of us. Boy 1: You haven’t been jabbed yet? Boy 2: Well, some peopl…
  • Fri, 14:16: RT @ AmazonChique: Because Batman is perpetually 32 years old and his parents died when he was 8, we can now safely assume the movie his par…
  • Fri, 17:12: Badge for Poly! Unfortunately the new package of badge holders I brought are completely the wrong size, so I have to rethink that. >.> #MFF
  • Fri, 18:36: That’s… very…
  • Fri, 18:40: Everything the light touches…
  • Fri, 18:40: RT @ Kurkthulu: Every outfit I put on is just “ugh this is the worst you ugly bastard”. And then I throw on my leather jacket over it and it…
  • Fri, 18:40: RT @ brockway_llc: Now, I wouldn't have called this, but apparently for the last two years I've been solving problems exactly like The Incre…
  • Fri, 18:41: RT @ gc_arilin: I sincerely believe that trolls, jerks and assholes of many stripes can grow and change and be better. It'd just be nice if…
  • Fri, 18:41: RT @ Gregtito: Time travel with me, fellow Gen X nerds!!!
  • Fri, 18:42: RT @ NoetheMatt: "Libraries are one of the only places people can be for free without obligation left" Yes, let's protect libraries and ou…

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