Nov 19, 2021 12:00
- Thu, 13:52: RT @ genderoftheday: The gender of the day is an exhausted gnome in an underwater estate.
- Thu, 13:56: Sure, dragons that act like cats are cool, but have you considered cats that act like dragons?
- Thu, 14:06: RT @ Smatterbrain: I’m glad I joined Twitter because there are people who feel the same way I do but are way better at putting it into words…
- Thu, 14:49: Interesting thoughts about the new Spidey trailer.
- Thu, 16:24: Look at this weird snail.
- Thu, 16:26: RT @ DrBlinkShrink: For years I’ve told superheroes they can’t just make their problems disappear with a snap of their fingers. Thanks for r…
- Thu, 16:27: RT @ Collider: 'Psych' star @ JamesRoday talks about ‘Psych 3: This Is Gus,’ the pop culture references, and future ‘Psych’ movies. https://…
- Thu, 16:41: RT @ yourpal_austin: Why people on the right love dog whistles. Thread (3 parts)
- Thu, 16:41: RT @ yourpal_austin:
- Thu, 16:41: RT @ yourpal_austin:
- Thu, 16:41: RT @ xxoorita: my new favourite pic ever
- Thu, 16:42: RT @ harrymccracken: Am I the only one who still reflexively thinks of Activision as a thoroughly admirable and uncontroversial maker of Ata…
- Thu, 16:48: Ping @ multiclass_geek
- Thu, 17:38: RT @ columbophile: By popular demand, @ IllustratesSte has made his ace #Columbo villains montage available as a print! Get in, quick! https:…
- Thu, 17:44: This is extremely concerning, @ jackconte. As a creator, doing anything with NFTs says you want to hurt me and my patrons. You should be lobbying against them, not getting in bed with scammers.
- Thu, 17:46: I am very very VERY for this.
- Thu, 18:06: Outside a pizza place in Reston. Possibly relevant to @ tabbiewolf’s interests.
- Thu, 18:11: In the meantime, I’ll be contacting @ patreon creator relations to make it very clear I don’t want them associating with NFTs. If they’re smart they’ll hard-ban them from the platform like they did with gambling.
- Thu, 18:26: RT @ DemonBob_Badman: @ macca_the_dm @ AbyssalBrews @ the_gneech had a Mimic Gazebo. It was Epic. We attacked the Gazebo
- Thu, 18:42: RT @ ExpAllison: "Remember kids, anything that isn't actively teaching you to be selfish angry violent sociopaths is communist unpatriotic b…
- Thu, 18:43: RT @ JoJoFromJerz: From the party of white dudes who believe they get to decide what a woman can and cannot do with her own body. https://t.…
- Thu, 18:43: RT @ casskhaw: Here is a rainy Thursday cat.
- Thu, 18:46: RT @ TheOnion: Texas Bans Access To Tall Staircases In Case Women With Unwanted Pregnancies Get Any Ideas https://t.…
- Thu, 18:46: RT @ graveyardgreg: Yeah, don't get involved in this scam, @ patreon. It's garbage and will only hurt you in the end. Do the right thing.
- Thu, 19:43:
- Thu, 20:16: RT @ ninatypewriter: Spend the night with Mel Brooks on @ tcm. YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN 8 pm ET HIGH ANXIETY 10 pm BLAZING SADDLES 12 am #TCMParty…
- Thu, 20:17: RT @ quoththetweet: More French horn! #YoungFrankenstein #TCMParty
- Thu, 20:18: RT @ quoththetweet: I feel like tonight's Mel Brooks filmography was given to us because of the Murder by Death/Clue double feature earlier…
- Thu, 20:19: RT @ CoupleClassic: I'm a scientist! Screamed every scientist over the past 20 months #YoungFrankenstein #TCMParty
- Thu, 20:21: Why ISN'T it "Froederick Frahnkensteen"? #YoungFrankenstein #TCMParty
- Thu, 20:24: "THERE wolf. THERE, castle!" #YoungFrankenstein #TCMParty
- Thu, 20:24: RT @ Pramas: Nice.
- Thu, 20:28: *horse whinny* *pained look* #YoungFrankenstein #TCMParty
- Thu, 20:31: So if I understand the genealogy right, Froederick Frankenstein is supposed to be the little golden-haired son of Basil Rathbone in Son of Frankenstein, yes? That means he should have first-hand memories of the original creature. #YoungFrankenstein #TCMParty
- Thu, 20:33: "Eyegor!" "Froederick!" #YoungFrankenstein #TCMParty
- Thu, 20:39: "Woof." #YoungFrankenstein #TCMParty
- Thu, 21:06: CHROMOSOMES!!! *smash* #TCMParty #YoungFrankenstein . . . (Although it's the darts in the tires that really make the gag.)
- Thu, 21:10: The Creature doing deadpan takes to the camera. XD #TCMParty #YoungFrankenstein
- Thu, 21:13: RT @ omacolt: Hackman contacted Wilder wanting to be in Young Frankenstein. Said he didn't need any dialogue. Here's someone who just won an…
- Thu, 21:14: That sing-songy "Cigars!" gets me every time. XD #TCMParty #YoungFrankenstein