My tweets

Jan 20, 2017 12:00

  • Thu, 22:02: RT @ Oneironott: As political discourse and information becomes more intense over the next week or so, please remember the basics. Sleep, he…
  • Thu, 22:02: RT @ Oneironott: Vet your news sources, and the general emotional climate. Balance awareness with positivity, and empower yourself to turn o…
  • Thu, 22:02: RT @ Oneironott: Love your friends and family, bio or found. Use the L word. Tell them how much you appreciate them.
  • Thu, 22:02: RT @ Oneironott: Don't be afraid to lean on others, and pay the kindnesses forward. Fight hard, and love harder. Do not be afraid to live.
  • Thu, 22:02: RT @ Oneironott: Smile all you can smile. Embrace the little moments. Stick to your boundaries, and push them only if you care to. Plan, sup…
  • Thu, 22:03: Yes!
  • Thu, 22:04: Truth is, I have no idea what I’m going to do tomorrow, other than try to get some work done. May not be around Twitter much.
  • Thu, 22:05: So in the meantime, g’nite world. Be good.
  • Thu, 22:05: True! Might just hook up the new webcam and draw that Wonder Woman pic for @ buttonspony.
  • Fri, 10:10: RT @ ashabandele: Reminder that if you follow @ POTUS and/or @ FLOTUS you might wanna go ahead & hit that unfollow piece right now.
  • Fri, 11:47: RT @ C_Stroop: This message becomes all the more important today. Do not succumb to authoritarian gaslighting. Daily reminder that #Trumpism


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