My tweets

Oct 19, 2016 12:00

  • Tue, 22:36: RT @ pixelkitties: There are no salty parabolas in the house and I am sad.
  • Tue, 22:37: RT @ nprmonkeysee: This election is the heat wave. My friends are the freezer you open and stick your face in for as long as you can as ofte…
  • Tue, 22:38: RT @ EnmerkarOfBabel: Ideology, bias & unexamined psychological need can make the smartest person dumb as a rock. Memes that discourage crit…
  • Tue, 22:39: Gnite world, and have an awesome tomorrow.
  • Wed, 08:34: I need to take better care of my Patreon. I am terribad at businessey stuff. -.-
  • Wed, 08:35: Related: Damn, but I miss Kerry. I don’t know if I’ll ever recover.
  • Wed, 09:04: Honestly, without Kerry SJ would have floundered in the first year or two. Not having her around is one reason I keep sputtering.
  • Wed, 09:09: Anyway, enough about that! :P Unexpected field trip to the mountains today, starring @ multiclass_geek @ HantaMouse and @ DraconequusEris!
  • Wed, 09:09: The upside of being unemployed is I can do that kind of thing. XD So I might as well take advantage!
  • Wed, 09:10: I’ll ponder the state of my business affairs in a meditative state on the road. Or nap. Or both. ;P
  • Wed, 09:15: Thinking I need a music video before we get on the road. Pinkie Pie “Smile”? Paul Simon “Call Me Al”? Bobby McFerrin “Don’t Worry Be Happy?"
  • Wed, 09:15: Taylor Swift “Shake It Off”? Ronson/Mars “Uptown Funk”?
  • Wed, 09:16: Smashmouth “Pacific Coast Party”? Monkees “You Bring the Summer”?
  • Wed, 09:16: All the above?
  • Wed, 09:17: Ha! Fooled ya all. Going with this one.
  • Wed, 09:21: RT @ wodehousetweets: "Did you read Spindrift?" "Couldn't put it down," I said, cunningly not revealing that I hadn't been able to take it u…
  • Wed, 11:19: Dear Politics Lady Accosting Us at Burger King: Fuck off.


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