Tue, 13:19: RT @ redfacts: This is a public service announcement about the Canada lynx and its ginormous fluffy paws. Thank you for your attention. http…
Tue, 14:31: RT @ daveweigel: Thing to remember about millennials: They stood for hours to hear Bernie recite economic stats. No pandering necessary.
Tue, 14:43: RT @ SirWritingRaven: When angered, the bisexual reverts to its dragon form, before blasting all nearby enemies with its glittery fire. #Bis…
Tue, 15:00: RT @ MattFnWallace: "Everything is terrible." No, my friends. Everything isn't terrible until we run out of pie. Is there still pie? Then t…
Tue, 17:03: RT @ WTFcooner: “Reverify our range to target. One ping only.” “Captain, I-I just -“ “Give me a ping, Vasili. One ping only, please.” #quote
Tue, 17:06: RT @ mightygodking: Wizard chess - it's like regular chess except louder and more ostentatious for no reason, which is a metaphor for all wi…
Tue, 18:09: RT @ XydexxUnicorn: ❤️❤️ Twitter is bad for nuanced discussion but I think one thing everyone can agree on is fursuits are awesome and they…
Tue, 18:14: “The school kicked me out, not the bullies” is really familiar. Whenever I got beat up, -I- was the one who got in… https://t.co/U98XM5FzG4
Tue, 18:31: RT @ goddamnedfrank: CNN is now normalizing fascism, openly questioning the rule of law and the civil rights protections enshrined in the US…
Wed, 11:25: RT @ DavidWalker1201: If "all lives matter," those motherfuckers would be out there with us, fighting police brutality instead of dehumanizi…