My tweets

Sep 12, 2016 23:26

  • Mon, 16:51: This string quartet version of “Don’t Stop Believing” may be the most @ foalpapers thing I’ve ever encountered.
  • Mon, 17:04: Hey, it’s @ CWF_Report!
  • Mon, 18:03: RT @ fursuitcrushes: Not having a suit doesn't make you any less of a furry. It also shouldn't make you less-respectable in the fandom. http…
  • Mon, 18:06: RT @ mikeyface: I think the world has enough angry people tearing shit down on the internet. I'm gonna keep celebrating stuff. Just more my…
  • Mon, 18:28: RT @ MonteJCook: Followed this mystery since I was a boy. Fascinating. I recommend Dan Simmons' The Terror as a good fictionalizion. https:…
  • Mon, 19:05: It me.
  • Mon, 22:16: Gnite world, have an awesome tomorrow. :)


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