Three Things, 25 June 2016

Jun 26, 2016 00:27

Three Good Things For Today

  1. Yummy mahi mahi dinner c/o lythandra
  2. Fancy-schmancy new mouse for gaming, as well as progress on the new PC
  3. Fun walk around Rio and some frozen yogurt
  4. Bonus Good Thing! Team Fortress 2 with Miertam, Plotline, Inkblitzer, Trixie, Maven, and occasionally Colley. It was a fun and new experience!

Three Goals For Tomorrow

  1. Clean up my desk (again :P)
  2. New badges for self and Buster the Crab
  3. Another Ponywatch pic

G'nite world, and have an awesome tomorrow!

-The Gneech

three good things, three goals for tomorrow, comics and art, gaming

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