Three Things, 19 June 2016

Jun 19, 2016 22:44

Three Good Things For Today

  1. Got some initial brainstorming done on new book idea.
  2. Had fun playing Overwatch.
  3. Watched first episode of the Ace Attorney anime series and worked out a series queue on CrunchyRoll.
  4. Bonus Good Thing! Yummy dinner at La Sándia, followed by Barnes & Noble and acquisition of new book.
  5. Bonus Good Thing! Caught up with my Good Things posts- including this one. ;)

Three Goals For Tomorrow

  1. Identify 1-3 more agents and pitch Sky Pirates to same.
  2. Examine feasibility of Fortress of Tears as book or series.
  3. Price sign for AC table.
  4. Bonus Goal! AJ cart?

I gotta say, my fingertips are burning for the new PC, mainly so I can have a stable platform for playing Overwatch on. I am actually finding myself quite eager to try to get into competitive play, which I would have never guessed I'd want in on. What has this game done to me??? XD

Anyway, that's it for tonight. G'nite world, and have an awesome tomorrow. I love ya. <3

-The Gneech

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three good things, writing, three goals for tomorrow, anime, overwatch, writing life, conventions

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