Some Thoughts on the Job Thing

Jul 08, 2015 10:47

As I mentioned a few days ago, lythandra is now on unemployment and we're officially up the creek without a paddle (but fortunately still in a canoe). So immediately upon returning from AnthroCon, I will officially be in job hunt mode ( Read more... )

suburban jungle, work, the horrible truth, the business end, deep thoughts, writing life

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ext_3219397 July 8 2015, 15:03:55 UTC
Some time ago I ditched my comic, even letting the domain name go. Couldn't do it all at once but I let it fade. I feel that doing anything creative these days is 'lottery mode' and in many ways, alternate creations are distracting and dissipating (far from the promise of the internet, eh? Rather than a proliferation of all things, it makes you throw out anything that didn't win big)

As for awesome, I think of you as a fundamentally decent guy. I don't see where awe enters into it, but if I'd been invited and lived near you I'd damned well come to your party and have a great time ;)

If so many people seem unable to rise to your level of decency and goodness, maybe THAT is why they are in awe. Same with the tenacity of doing a thing (such as a comic): it's easy to do something if it's giving you big payoffs, but it seems the same crapshoot whether or not it does.

So, there is some awe perhaps in seeing a person care about a thing and continue to do it even when they aren't promptly bribed to do more with a payoff. It makes you seem like not only a decent guy, but a kind of mensch who will stand by a person or a creation and give it the justice it might deserve.

As we've repeatedly seen.

Sure, you're awesome :)


the_gneech July 8 2015, 19:16:34 UTC
Aheheh! I try, anyway. ^.^' Thanks.



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