Kitten Update

Oct 05, 2013 17:08

All tests come back confirming healthy, happy kittens with no bugs. ^.^

We spoke to folks at Fancy Cats today, who loaned us a cage (which will come in very handy for Cat Acclimation Time) and said that we could bring the kittens in to events once they'd had 2/3 distemper shots. Assuming they get the first on Monday, that means the first time they could go to a showing would be October 19th.

Meanwhile, the kittens' pics and story will go up on the Fancy Cats site, and it's entirely possible they will be adopted long before then.

While we were at the Fancy Cats event, we met a gorgeous Abyssinian who glommed onto us and was like, "Take me home!" Alas, we couldn't, but he was a beautiful boy.

With the help of the cage, tonight we had Family Dinner, in which Buddha and Dasher, each in one of their carriers, ate while facing the kittens, who were all eating in their cage. There was a bit of hissing (mostly from Dasher), but mostly curiosity. I expect they will acclimate fairly quickly.

So, progress on one front at least. I have also had an allergist recommended, which is a good thing because in less than a week, at the current rate, I will have severe bronchitis, and I'd like to avoid that.

-The Gneech

cat rescue, inkygirl

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