Good News

Nov 18, 2009 18:45

Biopsy is back. No cancer. Yay!
I have a follow up on Friday to discuss my next steps to clearing up and keeping gone all of the extra gunk I’ve been carrying around. Good news is good.

Back on the ranch….

I’m hosting Thanksgiving this year. It’s really crept up on me. I have no menu planned as of yet, but figure I’ll stick to the basics plus what ever pot luck dishes folks decide to bring. The meal plan isn’t the big deal. Finishing out latest remodeling project is. I’ve been sanding and lacquering like a mad woman this week. For the record, lacquer stinks like no other and is thus, my least favorite construction job. Nevertheless, I gotta get the windows finished up, scraped, cleaned, and G2G prior to the weekend because that’s when the heavy duty cleaning starts. (Actually, the house wouldn’t be too messy if it weren’t for all of the construction dust, parts and pieces. It’s hard to get ahead of it everyday.) The first part of the week is reserved for getting some of the X Mas stuff out. I always like to have a tree or two up at Thanksgiving. Generally it takes me two weeks to get all of the trees and trimmings into place, and I certainly won’t get all of the decorating done before Thursday.

I was musing that it always seems we’re finishing up a project just prior to the holidays. Gives us a good reason to quit dragging our feet and get things done, I suppose. While I won’t get the walls and ceilings painted before Christmas, at least the wood work will all be finished.

Flash is not a fan of the constant remodeling. I’m getting to the point where I’m beginning to agree. Granted, we’ll get this phase over with and then the pain of it will fade. Once that happens, I’ll be ready for the next thing which is a toss up between repainting and re-roofing the exterior, or remodeling the kitchen. Likely the exterior will come first, as that’s cheaper. One of the ‘curses’ of being a kitchen designer is knowing exactly which new appliances, countertops, and cabinetry I want. Another is knowing exactly how much all of those new appliances, countertops and cabinetry are really going to cost. Let’s just say I don’t have cheap taste. :) One thing that I do have to commend Flash on is this: He *hates* remodeling and working on the house, but he’s good at it and does it anyway. Mostly to keep me happy, I think. His handy work is a big reason we’re able to do the things we do. So thank you, Flash for helping to make this house a home in more ways than one. I appreciate all of the work that you’ve done, and I love you.

That’s it for now.
Take care, all.
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