Help get East Broadway into the theaters!

Oct 15, 2006 13:01


So I'm helping to promote the indie film, East Broadway. The writer/director/star, Fay Ann Lee, is working hard right now to get a distribution deal to get the film in theaters. If you have a moment, please check out the website: and if the film appeals to you, please follow the instructions below from an email Fay recently sent out. Also, even if the film is not your cup of tea, please, please pass this info along to anyone whom you think might like it!

Thanks a million.


EB is now at a critical juncture. We've been approached by an interested distributor who is asking me to show them a fan base. So, here is how you can help --

Tell 5 of your friends about East Broadway and ask them to check out the website. If they think this film is something they might enjoy, have them write to to tell us that. We need to show that this is a movie with broad appeal. If I get enough support through word-of-mouth, we will be able to get this movie released. But time is of the essence. I need to basically print out a ton of e-mails in the next 4 days so that I can take them to a meeting early next week.

And, if you can, please write to us with the following important information:

1. Where are you from? (so that we can show where else other than NY/L.A. we would release the film)
2. Why does this film appeal to you?
3. Do you think this film would be appealing to your friends and family?
4. Tell your friends to keep introducing the film to 5 friends and have them write to us at

Again, your e-mails have been a wonderful surprise and so very much welcomed. This grassroots campaigning becomes the most important marketing strategy of all for independent films, so thank you all for being a huge part of this momentum.

Many many thanks,
Fay Ann Lee
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