god damn it

Oct 03, 2005 18:08

i got suspended again. For not having an ID. thats a bunch of shit. I hate my damn school. The cool thing to do there is wear as i lay dying, and haste the day shirts. Some kid today was wearing a nroma jean shirt and nike's. I asked him if he liked new or old norma and he said new. I wanted to slap him, becuase everyone knows norma's new cd blows since josh left and joined the chariot. haha moose for giving me the history of norma jean.
Moose got drunk and was being a fucking cock. First he just ran up to me and kicked me in the back really hard. He just kept fucknig hitting me.
Last ngiht he came to my house at like 12 asking me if he can stay, told him no and that it was his problem. he only wants to hang out if i have money or drugs. I seriously think moose is going to start becomnig a big druggie. Becuase now his life revolves around it, and he's always looknig for money. If i don't have money he doesn't callme anymore.
I don't really care. He can do what he wants. I think im going to try to quit smoknig cigarettes. I didn't say i was gonig to quit, but i really want to quit. I do want to quit smoking pot too, or take a really long break from it. I don't know if i'll be able to do it.
well heres a lnog entry. I think ill save it.
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