Oct 27, 2004 16:17
so monday was my birthday i am now 17!!! wohoo!!! anyway so yeah in like 2 months my bf will be legal and dating a minor. hehe my gifts were awesome.. okay lets see i got:
-a blue tinker bell pant jacket set (very very cute if i might add)
- tinker bell car stuff (steering wheel cover and floor mats)
- tinker bell purse ( by the loads of compliments definitely cute, but i liked it so much when i opened it)
- a necklace that has the letter M
- necklace shaped in a flower with opal pedals and some emerald color in it too
- a jean chain
- a ring
- $25
- a new cross for my big collection
- two winnie the pooh figurines (they are so cute omg!, hehe)
- cot chocalate and tea ( i am ready for cold mornings now)
- a braclet that makes noise (so now you'll now when ima coming)
- a cute purple candle
- brownies
- cinnamon cookies
- a pink set of earings with matching bracelet
and last i believe, and if i forgot anything sorry
-the cutest purse, imagine a stufferd animal okay this animal is a dog now put handles on it. it is so cute and soft and cuddly (hehe this is from my bf)
the cards were all nice too i got some cute ones funny ones and fancy ones overall i had a great birthday and thank you to jeans, danielle, noel, myra, candace, sonia, kc gene, maggie, jackie, my parents, and everyone else who wished me a happy birthday. this day was full of fun happy memories and some weird ones. not sure wheter sad or freaky maybe both but all in all it as good. now if only all my days could be as good as this one. well got stuff to do and a gs meeting 2night so laterz.