Bad news, good news...

Aug 31, 2009 20:54

As some of you may have heard, Friday was a day of some suckage.

Went to bed Thursday with two cars in the driveway.   Woke up with one.

Yup.  Someone stole our car.

I try to be a good kind-of-a-Buddhist, and not be too attached to things, but, y'know, this is a big thing.  Filled with a lot of other things.

several folx asked if our insurance was moose enough to cover theft.  BWAHAAHAno. We have the kind insurance that keeps one from being arrested.

A bunch of you visualized the car coming back safe and sound.  And, well ...

Apparently it was the 24-hour kind of stolen.

Got a call from St. Louis Metro Police at 1:22 Saturday morning.  Did we lend it it to some Keith guy before reporting it stolen?  No?  'Kay.  Keith go byebye now.  Wanna come to O'Fallon Park right now to pick up car?  As opposed to towing/impoundment?  Sure!

Some minor but annoying things now missing, a dozenish big ol' beer cans removed from the passenger compartment, a hearty Febrezing and airing-out, and a complete decluttering/inventory later, things are back to the usual dull roar.  Oh, and a certain minor bruising to my trust in my fellow man.
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