Name: Ashley
Age: 23
Location: connecticut (Originally from NY)
Birthday: 1-21-85
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Relationship Status: Pictures?
It will be 4 years in December!
Give us 5 interesting facts about you:
1. I'm really good at doing impressions. (which includes singers)
2. I'm a really fast pooper (SORRY! BUT ITS TRUE!)
3. I can speak German
4. I love ketchup on Tacos.
5. I hate water. HATE water. I'm not kidding. Makes me gag D:
Foods: Cereal. Ground beef with ketchup. Candy. I'm the pickiest eater ever.
Hobbies: Photography, Singing my heart out, Art (making and viewing) Traveling, Music, Napping (I work really early shifts haha) Shopping, Making hemp jewelry, Dancing! Modeling is fun, Drinking slush puppies, Criticizing movies, Eating candy (I'd do it for a living if I could) & attending Broadway show (All time favorite, without a doubt is Les Miserables!)
Actors/Actresses: Edward Norton, Jeremy Davies, Hugh Jackman, Christian Bale, Julia Jentsch, & Claire Dane!
Colors/Color Combinations: YELLOW. I've had the same love and dedication to this colors since I was a wee one. Not only does it describe my personality to the T, it makes me happy :) Nevertheless, I thoroughly enjoy Gray, Green, Red & Brown. As for color combos, I really love Blue and Brown together.
Please name 5-10 on each.
-Bic Runga
-The Beatles
-Devendra Banhart
-Dustin Kensrue
-Simon & Garfunkel
-Jeff Buckley
-Fiona Apple
-The Dead
-Property Of
-Local Girls
-Fortune’s Daughter
-Blue Diary
-The Art of Racing in the Rain
-Swimming Pool
-Cash Back
-The Dreamers
-The Edukators
-The Graduate
-Closely Watched Trains
-The Devils Rejects
-Code 46
-Return to Oz
-Eternal Sunshine
-Everything is Illuminated
-The Goonies
TV Shows:
-Gossip Girl
-Project Runway
-Diggnation (online episodes)
Magazines (if any):
I don't usually buy magazines. If I'm going on a trip, I might pick up a Vogue or Cosmo. I usually read all my online gossip about celebs on ONTD D:
Describe your personality in 3-5 sentences: Ah I knew this part was coming. I always clam up when it comes to writing about myself. The words never come out I'll just jot done a couple words that best describe me (as told by friends, family and random people)
List three goals you have for your life:
1. Finish school. Photography major. This is my 2nd attempt at college. Slow but steady wins the race?
2. Being successful with whatever career or path I choose.
3. Moving out of my boyfriends parents house by 09 :D
Choose anything in the world that you feel strongly about and tell us why. Be creative in choosing and try to avoid the obvious things like gay marriage, war, and abortion.
I absolutely can't stand animal cruelty. (I don't know who does...really haha) I don't care what kind of animal it is. No animal deserved to be hit, punched, used as entertainment (dog fighting) etc. I can't stand stupid people who can't even take care of themselves yet feel they are fit to take care of an animal. Spade or neuter your pets, kids!
You are stranded on a desert island. Choose three things to bring with you and tell us why.
1. My camera so I'd have proof that I was really stranded on a desert island...oh and for my portfolio haha
2.A dingy. I'd want to get off this island ASAP!
3.My boyfriend and by boyfriend, I mean a bag full of Candy (I'm an addict)
Who is your favorite super hero/villain and why?
Wolverine!! He's just so damn cool and looks like a wolf...which I relate to a dog and I love dogs. My thought process is a little tweaked.
Post a picture of a celebrity that you think is beautiful and elaborate on why you think that.
She's one of the most beautiful celebs. She's so natural and seems so sweet.
Make us laugh in any way you choose.
Now be creative and put whatever you'd like in this space. It can be something you made, wrote, like...
An old poem I wrote back in 04. It was when I moved to Connecitcut and moved in with my boyfriend.
"But the grass was greener yesterday
why did it fade
along with the sun?
My bare feet like the pain
of walking on rough gravel
as long as the path leads to you.
I loath the man who invented umbrellas;
for rainy days are best covered
in clothes that stick
and flatter every part of your body.
The sun is brighter today
perhaps its in a good mood
and woke up on the right side of the earth.
Tonight the moon will foreshadow
what awaits for us
and of course I'll argue every prediction he has.
for his head is in the clouds anyway.
Tomorrow ill sit under the tree
the one where the roots sprawl in every direction.
I'll let her leafs cast shadows on my bare legs
and I'll contemplate all the ideas that he fed to me.
Tonight I'll stand on the hill
I'll let the grim sky watch over me
and I'll let the wind take me by the hand
But the grass was greener yesterday
why did it fade
along with the sun?"
Final Questions
Why should we accept you as a Gem? Because, I'm a genuine, honest person that loves to make new buddies. Although I will be juggling work and school, I'll be active. I loooove the internetz.
Where did you find us? Please post a user name if you can.
trnsparntsprkle I think she promoted to me back in 2007 haha
How often are you on Livejournal? Every day!
Do you have Paint Shop Pro, Photoshop, or something similar? Yes ma'am!
Can you make banners or graphics? Yep
What card set would you like to start collecting? Available card sets can be found
Promo banners can be found
Here &
Here1. On your profile:
2. Promotion community: I'm not in any other communities.
3. Promotion community: I'm sorry.
Choosing your Gem name.
You can choose any gemstone, mineral, etc, that has not yet been taken by another member. Please check
here to see which names are taken. If you choose a name that is already taken by another member, you will automatically receive 2 'No' votes for not following procedure.
So, what Gem name would you like? Moss Agate!
Since this community is about personality, this next part is optional. Pictures are nice, though, if you have them, but applying without them will not hurt your chances of being accepted at all. :)
Post 5-10 clear, unedited pictures of yourself:
Most recent!
Me visiting my buddies in Germany! May 08!
Back in 06
Again, 06
I have a million bajillion photos, so if you'd like to see more (or my photography *hint hint*) just ask!!
Choose which picture you'd like on the member page if accepted. Please resize it to 180x240.