But first, yesterday I found this:
Click to view
(apologies for the poor quality- it was that or having it entirely out of sync)
And that then led to this:
Click to view
I am actually getting the most bizarre mental image of Hetalia!England raving to this, I kid you not. Whether this is good or bad I do not know.
And, on a totally (well, sorta) unrelated note, I also rediscovered my love for this song (the album version's better, but the video for this one's more interesting. Kinda.)
Click to view
So that was fun. ^^
And then today, we did a Jackson Pollock thing in Art, where Wanda, Yasmin and I laid out huge sheets of paper in the quad (a sort of courtyard in the middle of the school buildings), built cardboard shapes on it and encouraged everyone else to throw paint at it. The result was fun, and more than a bit colourful, though cleaning up was messy and I've still got purple and white streaks of paint on one of my preferred jumpers (though that's my fault really- I should've remembered today was going to be messy).
It was only at lunch things got hairy. Ex finally wore me down enough to 'talk' and, after I told him quite frankly that I do not fancy him- indeed, have not done for two or three years- he took this as a sign to follow me almost everywhere, including on a hunt for my sister to give her some lunch (though after I went to look for her in the art rooms, he vanished- I think he has a phobia). And later, whilst helping my friends and I clear up the art stuff, he groped me twice on the arse and did not get why I objected to this.
I know boys tend to be a bit simple on the emotional front, but that's just... NO.
Still, English Lit cheered me up. We had to choreograph a dance representing each of the main characters in Dancing at Lughnasa's first scene, and our group somehow managed to find an excuse to mix the robot dance with an Irish jig. We looked like utter spazzes, but it was hilarious. And our teacher's organising that somehow we all coincidentally 'meet up' one day in Camden to take part in a ceilidh too! (Various school bureaucracy things are stopping them making it an official visit, but we wouldn't be at this school if we weren't intelligent enough to bypass them. xD)
So... yeah. That was today. How are you guys getting on?
(Sound meme people- I'm honestly doing your requests. I'm just trying to work out how on earth I can transfer audio files from my phone to my PC, which is taking a while to figure out.)