Rearing my head to say...

Aug 18, 2009 07:53


Because in the midst of all this so-called 'debate' over our healthcare system, people seem to be forgetting that it is a basic need of the people- that millions have been saved by it, my own youngest sister and uncle included. While I'm sure we could have bought Babsa's treatment for the virus that hit her when she was a baby ourselves despite how poor we were at the time (9/11 had left architects like my dad without a job- nobody wanted to build houses for ages afterwards), Lee's multiple courses of cancer treatments would almost undoubtedly have left him in severe financial trouble without the government funding it.

Besides, the American right voted Bush in twice, and put Sarah Palin in a potential position of real power. Anything they say is nullified in the wake of that.

you! get out of my religion!

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