Holiday Visit

Nov 24, 2005 13:12

First off, happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Even if you hate the holidays, this one is all about food. How can you complain about lots of free food?

This is the first time I've been back home in at least 3 weeks. The drive down was kind of weird. It felt a lot different, not quite as relaxing as it usually does. Maybe I'm anxious about the heavy workload this weekend. Or maybe I'm realizing that my joke about this being home and my apartment being expensive storage in Louisville is becoming less and less true. Either way, I'm glad I'm here, but I wish it were going to be for more than a few hours. I already had to run out to Wal-Mart, which was profitable since I found the new wave of Marvel Legends figures and a few from the Sentinel series that Franks was looking for. Now I need to get to work on a drawing for my sister.

Right now Matt and my mom are trying to get the oven to work; of all the days for it to kick off on us. My grandma and Randy are coming over w/ my Aunt Tina and cousin Jessica later, then after dinner we're going over to Matt's dad's to see his sister and her family. After that I get to drive back up and sleep for 4 or 5 hours before work starts tomorrow. My schedule isn't too bad, just a 12 hour shift starting right before 5 a.m. Saturday I only work a 5 hour shift to close, and I'm off Sunday. I just hate dealing with that many people. I really can't wait to be done working at the mall.

I want some time off. Just a couple of days to relax and recoup after I've wrapped up classes. I don't want to have to worry about anything, or plan anything out, or get anything done that has to be done. That's what I want for Christmas, 2 days of R&R and no stress.

My dog just farted and left the room. He could give Travis a run for his money.

I hate when people get extremely pissed off about something and then yell and scream at someone else about it when it's not their fault. Not TO someone else about it, AT someone else about it. As much as I respect some people, sometimes I'd really just like to let off about 17 years of pent up rage on them and maybe get a few good shots in. Instead, I think I'm gonna go wail on my punching bag for 5 or 10 minutes.

Again, happy holidays to everyone, drive safe, enjoy yourselves, and try not to stress out too much over shit that really doesn't matter. That's what the month leading up to Christmas is for.
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