
Nov 25, 2007 23:15

In the Beginning, God was Everything
‘Til Loneliness tore His Heart asunder
And We Few, His Oligarchy, were born
Divine Creatures are We, filled by His Love
His Firsts, We stand so high above the Rest

At first We Few were naught but His Children
And for a time did this satisfy Him
But Creation did sow seeds in His Heart
To watch Divine Hands mold and shape the World
Is a mem'ry We Few can lay our claim to

First came Earth, Sand, Water and all its Children
Trees, Flowers, and their Cousins soon were born
Life flourished in Color and Touch below
His Garden Sphere a work of Art beheld
A Place of Beauty never again seen

In times long before the birth of mankind
And all Those who associate with it
Creation was blesséd by its Nature
When Sight begat the purest ecstasy
And Songs broke free in Heavenly pitches

We Children became His Divine Servants
The Messenger, who spread His Word to All
The Keeper, who protects Life departed
The Functionary, Acts Executor
We Three, His most trusted of all Angels

No greater Joy was there to be livéd
No greater Love to make My glass-heart burst
No one but We Few can Understand this:
To See Our Father lost in Creation
Is to feel the Heartbeat of all His Life

Until that Darkened Day when Bliss did fade
When He Created a new garden there
Within, the Two, Spawn of Least Creation
Undeserving to hold Breath within them
A Cancer to consume His Divine Soul

form: iambic pentameter, time: birth, time: creation, writing: poetry, time: before

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