fZd stuff
:Do my tax credits renewal
:Do my self assessment (tax doesn't have be taxing but most of the time it is)
:Re photograph and list most of my Ebay items
:Make stock for listing and photographing
:Finish Lols outfit (its so close)
:call a guy about spikes
:call a guy about knives
:call a guy about other new cool spikes
:call around and find a decent fabric wholesaler that i can use regularly
:call around to find a decent leather wholesaler i can use regularly
:call my fixings supplier and complain as the last lot of clear uv they sold me was clear but not very bloody uv *sigh* this is a regular problem i am having atm and its really getting on my nerves, i also need to take my riveting machine in to them as it doesn't work right and i need to buy a few bits from them too
:work on the website
:try and get a new pair of tin snips
:go to staples, i need a new cutting matt and a white board to put all this crap on!
:visit rubber supplier
right that's most of the fZd stuff although there are still orders to be made and ebay questions to be answered
Around the house
:Stuff needs to go in the loft
:dry the tent out
:hover though
:Must water tomato plants and get them some plant food :)
:order parking permits for London house
:Go to homebase, many little for the house must be got :)
:order shopping from Tesco, this will be my first order on line so should be fun :)
:learn my lines for next Tuesdays shoot
:Make venue spread sheet
:finish guest list
it looks like today has been hijacked by a last min photo shoot! its a good job i had done my run already and i picked an early slot for the shopping to be delivered :)